"on peak hill"
the rain fell hard on the roofs that day
you telephone from far away
I see the ocean from my room
all I could say was "are you coming home soon?"
the static whisper in my ear
but in a moment your voice was clear
"I need some time," you said to me
that's when I knew you were gonna make me lonely
you were gonna make me wish for the time right before I was born
when every living breath was another new dawn
like the time I was 5 at the top of Peak Hill
and the wind almost took me away
I walk awhile before I sleep, count the secrets that I keep
I hope for more, I know for sure I fall apart before I weep
I disconnect the telephone 'cause I can choose to be alone
I'll get more done, I'll have some fun, pretend you're not the only one
and I'm never gonna wish for the time right before I was born
when every living breath was another new dawn
like the time I was 5 at the top of Peak Hill
and the wind almost took me away
hello im back!! no not after 5 years of trying to find my home planet or something hahaha thats the lamest excuse ever. probably superman wanted to have a fling with hot non-earthlings in some other galaxy. maybe he got countless mistresses across the galaxies AHAHAHA!! every 5 yr change 1 girl. ok thats retarded. seriously i reallly realy like superman hahahaha he is the coolest superhero!! ok but my fav superhero always changes so i cant be trusted. but i have always thought batman is the most act seh superhero cos his armour has six-pack but actually he is just a fat old man underneath hahaha!! and the dumbest dumbest dumbest of all heroes is...ROBIN!!!!! hahahaha i think they invented him as a joke. hahaha firstly his costume is retarded. and the mask he wears is like those made of vanguard kind which u can pick up from any recycling bin.
went suntec to catch superman today after bio paper. and also cos fawn came to school! hahah sebas said her face looked redder and we were debating whether she used blush or blusher BUT the truth is she used LIPSTICK!! HAHAHAH the first thing after stepping off the bus at suntec, we saw this sign at the other side of a "zebra crossing" which said "DANGER! Do not walk." HAHAHAHAHA if u think of it, its a really stupid and brainless sign. are we supposed to just stand at that spot and hope we get magically teleported to our destination???!?! oh and the statue outside the arcade at suntec has a really long ermmm sword and a big ass hahaha. hahaha and there was this toy shop with a big display of a head of PREDATOR. u know the one from the movie alien vs predator. and it beared a resemblance to erhem. HAHA. rong looked ridiculous carrying benny's nike bag. which reminds me, last week when we went out with fawn and took neoprints, kevin spelt tote bag as TOAD bag hahaha but thats quite ancient and erm not-so-funny-anymore.
superman is damn nice show!!
and rong likes jason hahahahaha (u can interpret it whichever way u want it :p) she kept going awwwww and ehhhh soooo cute everytime jason appears on screen la wahlao such an ass lol. the conclusion and bottomline of the show is: if you have superpowers, make more babies!! hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
and the million dollar question: does superman wear his red boots under his office shoes or does he carry it around with him??
oh yea and when we were going home at the mrt station, there was this random fat guy with his shorts going up his crotch. and i dunno why i just found it damn funny and laughed like a jackass. actually for some reason everyone was quite high after the movie. sebas kept laughing like a retard when he was talking on the phone. and and llama. and hahaha whoever uses the word tinkle nowadays?!?!?! LOL. just like tinkle tinkle little stars, how i wonder where u are. ahha and i feel quite shopping-deprived.
block test craze is over!! erm hahaha 2As!! right kevin? even if i really 2As, it will be AAFF. haha ok dont wanna talk bout it.
the finger scanning attendance taking machine is damn stupid btw. means gotta go sch even earlier just to put your fingerprint on the machine. what if the person before just happened to dig his nose before his turn??? omg. or if he just applied hair cream on his head?? hahahahah hair cream is soo retro!
yea i cut my hair last week. and its not exactly very short, but its quite thin. like if i pull lightly, all my hair will fall off. but i think i look like my sec4 self now. which isnt exactly a good thing hahaha! later kaysee come and catch my hair for 0.1mm of sideburn again i will slap his ____ if he has any. i mean his ears sorry hahaha!
shat i just thought of something to write a few seconds ago but now its gone. argh short term memory. gogogo cya soon!
ok i remembered! erm DAMMIT why geraldine never get in singapore idol top12!!!!!!!! why why why why shes like way better than jay lim and norman then!! omg im damn sad hahaha im her biggest fan. btw siew woon looks retarded. mathilda looks like tinkle stars. i think there must be some mistake counting the votes again geraldine must get in!! (actually i didnt vote haha)
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
reality check
woho guess whos back! this is so spoiler but i shouldnt have gone korea!! its not really worth the time and money spent there la. firstly i think im gonna screw block test 2 cos of this 1week wasted. argh but its no use crying over spilt milk. all i can do now is to erm..lick up as much milk from the floor as possible?? HAHA! what i mean is cover as much as i can withink the time left. which i think i will leave out most of bio and flunk it as usual hahaha and i still am not sure what are the topics for the various subjects tested for bt2!! and i lost some of my notes haha how ridiculous but thanks to rong yay now im gonna have my nuclear and electrochem notes!
oh yea and korean food sucks man. by the second day there i was hoping that the meals would not consist of any more korean dishes. arghgh always lots of sticky rice and 1 always bbq or cook ur own meat like teppanyaki. and i was hoping to get some non-korean food..be it macs or something haha but didnt get any. oh but there's lots of popeye's there!!
AND korean babes hahaha! their complexion all damn good man!! but they all put lots of makeup wan la. like put their face on the makeup rather than put makeup on their face. and they all have put lots of black makeup (i donno what u call that, mascara? eyeliner?) around their eyes which make them look like they have huge black eyes. and all the same hairstyle and colour. but all not bad lookin eh haha compared to sg standards? haha dont stone me!!
well i guess this trip wasnt really my kind of holiday. spent more than half the time there on the freakin tour bus. and either listening to the tour guide go on and on in CHINESE or sleepin on the bus. and travel for like 2 hrs each time to go eat. then go up the bus then go somewhere then go eat again. so borrrriiing. i think my kind of holiday would be like island in the sun kind u know like those lazy lazy kind where i can relax instead of waking up at 7am everymorning and rushin around in the stupid bus.
ok i dont think im not gonna bore everyone by writing everything i did there. hahaha actually i wanted to write like a journal there every night about what happened each day. but i only wrote for the first day. after that i was either too lazy or too tired to do so hahaha! shows my commitment eh?
korean airlines is quite disgusting. they only have 1 big tv screen at the front. but the problem is that all the seats in front will block the view!! and 3/4 the time it shows like where the plane is on the map, and airplane speed, altitude, time, head wind etc. so dumb la! they only show 1 movie on each flight. going there, it was ultraviolet (which i only caught the last 10min cos i was sleepin) and on the way back it was aquamarine (which was damn dumb and storyline-less).
ok my tour group was quite..i dunno what to say. theres this family of 5 which is damn wierd cos they tried to be extra and took sg airlines by themselves to korea and back while the rest of us took korea air. and the dad in that family really reminds me of chong ming!! (no offense, just coincidence) and there were several small cute kids too. haha and this 2 old women who are friends and call themselves mei2 nu3 (pretty women). the korean tour guide was quite a funny guy. told us lots of jokes bout himself, his work and his previous tour groups. one of them was, once they went to a hotel and the doorbell is like beep beep beep like a bird sound. he wanted to check on the rooom of this elderly couple so he rang the doorbell for quite long before 1 of them came out. and the other was like crawling on his knees searching for a bird in the room haha ok doesnt sound funny here but was funny when he said it. yea my tour guide said he is comin to sg to set up food business soon. haha free treat!!
ok basically went to some war memorial, shopping areas, the place where they filmed da chang jin, and several theme parks. cant really recall what else i did there. oh got to drive some all terrain vehicle thingy up a hill and down. and made kimchi. shopping there wasnt as gd as expected la. their stuff there all more expensive. but nicer definitely! and it was really hard to compare prices to sg cos $1=600 korean won so it really tested my mental sums la. and all the guys there carry tote bags! and its quite hard to understand them too. OMG SHIT theres a moth flying around me right now as i write this!!!! argh get lost u #$$#$%!! ok it seems to have subsided for awhile. yes and the theme parks didnt really excite me. maybe cos i humji and didnt sit any exciting rides. except for one la. some sit on a log and go down some water slide which was quite steep and i thought my ass was gonna fall off. but no kick la hehe :p
well i woul really rather have spent that 1week in singapore. anyway throughout the trip there were several occasions i couldnt get some things/ppl out of my mind for some reason. perhaps its being away and bored staring out the coach window and trying to fight the motion sickness la. and it occurred to me how quickly i change how i feel bout my family. can be really irritated at times and then happy in a moment and u know what i mean la.
im sure i missed out some stuff i wanted to say!! u know its like i always think bout lots of stuff before today, before actually writing this. stuff which i tell myself i should blog about. but when i actually get down to doing it, i either feel like i shouldnt write bout it, or too lazy, or totally forget bout it. most of the times i forget hahaha! but okay i should sleep soon anyway.
oh yea just thought of smth else which happened in korea! the ppl there are really united. as in loyal to their country. on the first night there was this world cup maych i think korea and togo. and while it was being played, (i watched most of it on my hotel tv), there was this large mass of korean ppl gathered outside my hotel. could see them from my hotel window. its like there was a stage with lighting and speakers and everything. and before the match there was some concert held there or smth. then when the match started they screened it on the stage. and the koreans were like cheering and stuff. and each time they score a goal, there were fireworks!! and when the match ended, got fireworks too! haha see the difference between them and us?
oh yea and korean food sucks man. by the second day there i was hoping that the meals would not consist of any more korean dishes. arghgh always lots of sticky rice and 1 always bbq or cook ur own meat like teppanyaki. and i was hoping to get some non-korean food..be it macs or something haha but didnt get any. oh but there's lots of popeye's there!!
AND korean babes hahaha! their complexion all damn good man!! but they all put lots of makeup wan la. like put their face on the makeup rather than put makeup on their face. and they all have put lots of black makeup (i donno what u call that, mascara? eyeliner?) around their eyes which make them look like they have huge black eyes. and all the same hairstyle and colour. but all not bad lookin eh haha compared to sg standards? haha dont stone me!!
well i guess this trip wasnt really my kind of holiday. spent more than half the time there on the freakin tour bus. and either listening to the tour guide go on and on in CHINESE or sleepin on the bus. and travel for like 2 hrs each time to go eat. then go up the bus then go somewhere then go eat again. so borrrriiing. i think my kind of holiday would be like island in the sun kind u know like those lazy lazy kind where i can relax instead of waking up at 7am everymorning and rushin around in the stupid bus.
ok i dont think im not gonna bore everyone by writing everything i did there. hahaha actually i wanted to write like a journal there every night about what happened each day. but i only wrote for the first day. after that i was either too lazy or too tired to do so hahaha! shows my commitment eh?
korean airlines is quite disgusting. they only have 1 big tv screen at the front. but the problem is that all the seats in front will block the view!! and 3/4 the time it shows like where the plane is on the map, and airplane speed, altitude, time, head wind etc. so dumb la! they only show 1 movie on each flight. going there, it was ultraviolet (which i only caught the last 10min cos i was sleepin) and on the way back it was aquamarine (which was damn dumb and storyline-less).
ok my tour group was quite..i dunno what to say. theres this family of 5 which is damn wierd cos they tried to be extra and took sg airlines by themselves to korea and back while the rest of us took korea air. and the dad in that family really reminds me of chong ming!! (no offense, just coincidence) and there were several small cute kids too. haha and this 2 old women who are friends and call themselves mei2 nu3 (pretty women). the korean tour guide was quite a funny guy. told us lots of jokes bout himself, his work and his previous tour groups. one of them was, once they went to a hotel and the doorbell is like beep beep beep like a bird sound. he wanted to check on the rooom of this elderly couple so he rang the doorbell for quite long before 1 of them came out. and the other was like crawling on his knees searching for a bird in the room haha ok doesnt sound funny here but was funny when he said it. yea my tour guide said he is comin to sg to set up food business soon. haha free treat!!
ok basically went to some war memorial, shopping areas, the place where they filmed da chang jin, and several theme parks. cant really recall what else i did there. oh got to drive some all terrain vehicle thingy up a hill and down. and made kimchi. shopping there wasnt as gd as expected la. their stuff there all more expensive. but nicer definitely! and it was really hard to compare prices to sg cos $1=600 korean won so it really tested my mental sums la. and all the guys there carry tote bags! and its quite hard to understand them too. OMG SHIT theres a moth flying around me right now as i write this!!!! argh get lost u #$$#$%!! ok it seems to have subsided for awhile. yes and the theme parks didnt really excite me. maybe cos i humji and didnt sit any exciting rides. except for one la. some sit on a log and go down some water slide which was quite steep and i thought my ass was gonna fall off. but no kick la hehe :p
well i woul really rather have spent that 1week in singapore. anyway throughout the trip there were several occasions i couldnt get some things/ppl out of my mind for some reason. perhaps its being away and bored staring out the coach window and trying to fight the motion sickness la. and it occurred to me how quickly i change how i feel bout my family. can be really irritated at times and then happy in a moment and u know what i mean la.
im sure i missed out some stuff i wanted to say!! u know its like i always think bout lots of stuff before today, before actually writing this. stuff which i tell myself i should blog about. but when i actually get down to doing it, i either feel like i shouldnt write bout it, or too lazy, or totally forget bout it. most of the times i forget hahaha! but okay i should sleep soon anyway.
oh yea just thought of smth else which happened in korea! the ppl there are really united. as in loyal to their country. on the first night there was this world cup maych i think korea and togo. and while it was being played, (i watched most of it on my hotel tv), there was this large mass of korean ppl gathered outside my hotel. could see them from my hotel window. its like there was a stage with lighting and speakers and everything. and before the match there was some concert held there or smth. then when the match started they screened it on the stage. and the koreans were like cheering and stuff. and each time they score a goal, there were fireworks!! and when the match ended, got fireworks too! haha see the difference between them and us?
Monday, June 12, 2006
the hols are too damn short (as usual)
alright. bleah leaving in about 2 hours. haha never knew packing was so tiring. anyway i managed to find time to go for a swim just now! AND, the pool is flooded..not with water (hehe), but GAYS!! yes there were these 2 big guys sitting at the edge of the pool dipping their legs into the water. like wth if u wanna sit and suntan can u pls dont obstruct the lanes and go to the baby pool or something?? and these 2 boys who look they're in lower sec splashing around like retarded kiddos. and one of them kept whining like a sissy girl hahaha! and the most retarded part was, he whined cos the other guy refused to talk to him. "eh talk to me leh please please!!" AHAHHAHA OMG. and then there was this aunty the bully. she was bullying a small boy!! and i mean really small like less than 10 yr old?? dont know exactly what happened but i saw her trying to frighten the boy because that boy apparently did something to her son. translated from chinese: "u think u like that gangster ah? i will report police ok!" hahaha damn retarded lah the aunty to think she actually finds pleasure terrorising little kids. and if u thought that was all, there were these group of act punk guys in the pool at one corner jumping around. for the last time, if u wanna do silly stuff PLEASE GO TO BABY POOL!! haha and then one of them had like alot of wax on his hair and didnt wash it off before entering. gross man. and it didnt end there!! later when i went to shower, that group of guys were in the same freakin cubicle and from my cubicle i could hear them laughing and stuff la. AHHAHAHA what a day! fy_pool_day ok that was random.
ok on fri night i stayed at swissotel merchant court, near clarke quay. quite a nice place. fell asleep halfway while watchin the germany costa rica match. saturday had a quite effective study session at amk library which was quite nice and they had this glass bowl music thingy which i found quite amusing haha! looked like an inverted fish bowl!! that kinda sums up my weekend haha. okok i better get going before i miss my flight! seaweed on the way!! hope nothing happens to me there! miss u all hahahaha :p
ok on fri night i stayed at swissotel merchant court, near clarke quay. quite a nice place. fell asleep halfway while watchin the germany costa rica match. saturday had a quite effective study session at amk library which was quite nice and they had this glass bowl music thingy which i found quite amusing haha! looked like an inverted fish bowl!! that kinda sums up my weekend haha. okok i better get going before i miss my flight! seaweed on the way!! hope nothing happens to me there! miss u all hahahaha :p
Thursday, June 08, 2006
singular perfection
so much to say. dont know where to start. i am one confused toot. well for one i know speaking chinese sucks hahaha! jia ling and ros wanted to collect $1 for each time i say english word in front of them. hhaaha and how they can become millionaires using this tactic.
ok i think i'll write bout camp. the programme and activities totally sucked but well i think the housecommers made it great! and it was nice to see all the j1s really bonding with each other by the end of the camp. brought back memories of my j1 house camp. hahaha all the stupid songs we learnt like oh it was sad when the big ship went down to the bottom and the husbands and wives and the children lost their lives AND if u want to jia kim jio, do the proper way AND epo yi tai tai ehhh ya haaha. and the one day at sentosa beach just playing games and slacking. omg thats damn fun and i remembered i played volleyball like craph haha! and the time the instructors tried pulling us apart.
the camp was like slacking session for the j2s. its like a weight gainer camp! haha its just like wake up, eat breakfast, free time, eat lunch, free time. and free time=sleep. yes dont be surprised if u see me now fatter!!
okay first day had bonding session for j1s in school before leaving for nus. i think all of them got a six-pack after the lift-the-pail-with-your-legs activity la hahahah! when we got to nus, found out that the rooms were pretty decent. the toilets were great!! got water heater some more!! but 1 think i hate bout the toilet is that the lights are activated by motion sensors. so once when i was taking my time to shower then the lights went out cos no one was walking in or out of the toilet for some time. haha and i havent put on my clothes so i cant open the door and run around to make the lights on again. soo had to rush finish my shower in the dark and put on some clothes and u know. my room was just beside the toilet so it was pretty good. shared room with khairul. had talk cock sessions at night after lights out. sorry man i was pretty tired the first night so didnt talk alot. but was enough gossip la hahahaha.
some j1s appeared quite nasty though. which made us wonder whether it was the right choice letting them into house com. but later found out that there might be other external factors bothering them so its not entirely their fault. and there was some misunderstanding between some ppl i think. but at least they took the initiative to clarify things. yea i think we j2s gotta learn to let go and trust the j1s. and not look down any one of them.
second day was really do-nothing. after breakfast we slacked till lunch. then had a workshop for awhile then slacked till after dinner. so some of us went to ps to eat!! haha actually wanted to watch omen but due to bad timings we were afraid that we couldnt make it back on time. then at night we conducted another bonding session for the j1s. the same thing the instructors in last year's camp did to us. asked them to squeeze together while most of the j2s went to try pull them apart. haha i wasnt really involved in the physical part tho. cos there were quite few j1 guys and our j2 guys had quite a few ruggers so should be enough la. hahahaha someone said if i went in i would most likely get pulled in by a j1 instead of me pulling them out!! was really harsh on the juniors but i think this was the main event that brought them closer. heard that one of them said that they would rather be doing that pulling game all day instead of doing the decus challenge Hahaha! oh yea before that the j2s had the candle thingy again. like we each took turns to share our experiences, ups and downs and anything that we've gone thru during the past 1 yr. it became pretty emotional for some ppl. i really envy those who were able to really say everything they wanted to say. actually before the candle came to me, i had planned quite a lot of things to say. but somehow when it was my turn, i forgot most of it! and also like i didnt know how to put across everything i wanted to say so i just mumbled a little. hahaha shit i think i can be quite an idiot sometimes!! well think i've misjudged certain ppl before but i can honestly say i have put those bad stuff behind. but really without any of them, 6th house com wouldnt be the same. well anyway congrats to khairul and jia ling for being award the colours award! u guys really deserve it!
actually the main point of the camp was for the j1s to do this thing called the decus challenge. its like over the first 2 days of the camp they were supposed to plan something which they want to carry out on the 3rd day. and on the 3rd day they are supposed to go to the public to carry out the initiative. so the j1s wanted to teach the public how to fold tshirt in 3 simple steps. and to give out some thank-you cards for ppl to write to their loved ones. so on the last day, after breakfast, the j1s went to their various locations in town (hose was outside mariott hotel) and set up their booths and do their stuff. and we j2s were dismissed after breakfast! hahaha so broke camp at about 11. we agreed to meet up again in the afternoon in town to visit the j1s while they were doing their stuff. so i went home, took my own sweet time to shower and reached their late! haha but nvm lots of other ppl were late too :p and there was supposed to be a hose movie outing but it didnt happen :( after walking from wheelock to wisma to paragon, then taking a bus to ps, we had lunch there. most couldnt/didnt wanna watch movie so walked to istana park where the j1s were having their reflection time and debriefing. felt quite extra there so ended up in macs with jialing ros alicia eunice huilin and talked rubbish there for awhile. then we decided to catch she's the man at cine. and eunice had to go home so we rushed there by mrt. but missed the earlier timeslot. so had to catch the later one which was abt 2 hours later i think. haha talked alot of rubbish (and chinese) with huilin and half falling asleep due to tiredness while waiting for alician ros and jia ling to arrive. OH YA! hahaaha huilin is soooo tyco meet so many ppl in town. met a few few of her friends..and her favourite mr AP!!! we also saw ben soh, who was gonna watch xmen3 alone!! hahaha just like me :p and met ser xing also. and she said i grew shorter!! omg how can that be?!?!?! maybe i grew fatter lah, then look shorter. hahaha and she was laughing at my chinese so evill. the show was quite good! and damn funnny too. and amanda bynes is hotttt!!! hahaha :p
ok i think i missed out quite alot of stuff. maybe cos im still quite sleepy now. but got tuition later. maybe i'll update some other time. wooohooo 6th house commmmmm
ok i think i'll write bout camp. the programme and activities totally sucked but well i think the housecommers made it great! and it was nice to see all the j1s really bonding with each other by the end of the camp. brought back memories of my j1 house camp. hahaha all the stupid songs we learnt like oh it was sad when the big ship went down to the bottom and the husbands and wives and the children lost their lives AND if u want to jia kim jio, do the proper way AND epo yi tai tai ehhh ya haaha. and the one day at sentosa beach just playing games and slacking. omg thats damn fun and i remembered i played volleyball like craph haha! and the time the instructors tried pulling us apart.
the camp was like slacking session for the j2s. its like a weight gainer camp! haha its just like wake up, eat breakfast, free time, eat lunch, free time. and free time=sleep. yes dont be surprised if u see me now fatter!!
okay first day had bonding session for j1s in school before leaving for nus. i think all of them got a six-pack after the lift-the-pail-with-your-legs activity la hahahah! when we got to nus, found out that the rooms were pretty decent. the toilets were great!! got water heater some more!! but 1 think i hate bout the toilet is that the lights are activated by motion sensors. so once when i was taking my time to shower then the lights went out cos no one was walking in or out of the toilet for some time. haha and i havent put on my clothes so i cant open the door and run around to make the lights on again. soo had to rush finish my shower in the dark and put on some clothes and u know. my room was just beside the toilet so it was pretty good. shared room with khairul. had talk cock sessions at night after lights out. sorry man i was pretty tired the first night so didnt talk alot. but was enough gossip la hahahaha.
some j1s appeared quite nasty though. which made us wonder whether it was the right choice letting them into house com. but later found out that there might be other external factors bothering them so its not entirely their fault. and there was some misunderstanding between some ppl i think. but at least they took the initiative to clarify things. yea i think we j2s gotta learn to let go and trust the j1s. and not look down any one of them.
second day was really do-nothing. after breakfast we slacked till lunch. then had a workshop for awhile then slacked till after dinner. so some of us went to ps to eat!! haha actually wanted to watch omen but due to bad timings we were afraid that we couldnt make it back on time. then at night we conducted another bonding session for the j1s. the same thing the instructors in last year's camp did to us. asked them to squeeze together while most of the j2s went to try pull them apart. haha i wasnt really involved in the physical part tho. cos there were quite few j1 guys and our j2 guys had quite a few ruggers so should be enough la. hahahaha someone said if i went in i would most likely get pulled in by a j1 instead of me pulling them out!! was really harsh on the juniors but i think this was the main event that brought them closer. heard that one of them said that they would rather be doing that pulling game all day instead of doing the decus challenge Hahaha! oh yea before that the j2s had the candle thingy again. like we each took turns to share our experiences, ups and downs and anything that we've gone thru during the past 1 yr. it became pretty emotional for some ppl. i really envy those who were able to really say everything they wanted to say. actually before the candle came to me, i had planned quite a lot of things to say. but somehow when it was my turn, i forgot most of it! and also like i didnt know how to put across everything i wanted to say so i just mumbled a little. hahaha shit i think i can be quite an idiot sometimes!! well think i've misjudged certain ppl before but i can honestly say i have put those bad stuff behind. but really without any of them, 6th house com wouldnt be the same. well anyway congrats to khairul and jia ling for being award the colours award! u guys really deserve it!
actually the main point of the camp was for the j1s to do this thing called the decus challenge. its like over the first 2 days of the camp they were supposed to plan something which they want to carry out on the 3rd day. and on the 3rd day they are supposed to go to the public to carry out the initiative. so the j1s wanted to teach the public how to fold tshirt in 3 simple steps. and to give out some thank-you cards for ppl to write to their loved ones. so on the last day, after breakfast, the j1s went to their various locations in town (hose was outside mariott hotel) and set up their booths and do their stuff. and we j2s were dismissed after breakfast! hahaha so broke camp at about 11. we agreed to meet up again in the afternoon in town to visit the j1s while they were doing their stuff. so i went home, took my own sweet time to shower and reached their late! haha but nvm lots of other ppl were late too :p and there was supposed to be a hose movie outing but it didnt happen :( after walking from wheelock to wisma to paragon, then taking a bus to ps, we had lunch there. most couldnt/didnt wanna watch movie so walked to istana park where the j1s were having their reflection time and debriefing. felt quite extra there so ended up in macs with jialing ros alicia eunice huilin and talked rubbish there for awhile. then we decided to catch she's the man at cine. and eunice had to go home so we rushed there by mrt. but missed the earlier timeslot. so had to catch the later one which was abt 2 hours later i think. haha talked alot of rubbish (and chinese) with huilin and half falling asleep due to tiredness while waiting for alician ros and jia ling to arrive. OH YA! hahaaha huilin is soooo tyco meet so many ppl in town. met a few few of her friends..and her favourite mr AP!!! we also saw ben soh, who was gonna watch xmen3 alone!! hahaha just like me :p and met ser xing also. and she said i grew shorter!! omg how can that be?!?!?! maybe i grew fatter lah, then look shorter. hahaha and she was laughing at my chinese so evill. the show was quite good! and damn funnny too. and amanda bynes is hotttt!!! hahaha :p
ok i think i missed out quite alot of stuff. maybe cos im still quite sleepy now. but got tuition later. maybe i'll update some other time. wooohooo 6th house commmmmm
Monday, June 05, 2006
for once the weather is hotter than me
argh im perspiring now as i type this ok. finally packed for camp. i think i brought lots of excess tshirts and shorts. next 3 days are gonna fly by real fast! and haha i cant believe i was considering bringing along some physics/bio notes to study during camp!! haha dont worry i didnt. heard that im bunking with khairul yay!! but think he will be away half the time for training and stuff. so it will be lonely me.
went pc show today with family and cant believe it sucked so much. it was like worst of the worst. super crowded with ppl stepping on my grass shoes every 5 seconds. and announcements and ppl shouting everywhere and i thought i was gonna black out in the middle of everything hahaha. ok didnt get anything much. think dad got a dvd player/recorder thing and a telephone and i dunno what else. i was hoping for a new comp tho hahaha!
ahhhh i wanna make rainbow _______!
oh yes for those who havent watch xmen u are advised to stay till after the credits roll finish cos there is a special ending. which i missed!! hmm should i spoil for u guys? hmm aiya i didnt watch it but benny told me what happened. somewhere in the middle of the show prof x was lecturing to the kids something bout psychics transferring their consciousness into someone else's body or smth right. whether it was ethical or not. i think thats what he did before he got _____ by ______ so that means he _____ and he didnt really _____! and there will be a _____4! haha shit i think i gave away much of the ending too bad.
went pc show today with family and cant believe it sucked so much. it was like worst of the worst. super crowded with ppl stepping on my grass shoes every 5 seconds. and announcements and ppl shouting everywhere and i thought i was gonna black out in the middle of everything hahaha. ok didnt get anything much. think dad got a dvd player/recorder thing and a telephone and i dunno what else. i was hoping for a new comp tho hahaha!
ahhhh i wanna make rainbow _______!
oh yes for those who havent watch xmen u are advised to stay till after the credits roll finish cos there is a special ending. which i missed!! hmm should i spoil for u guys? hmm aiya i didnt watch it but benny told me what happened. somewhere in the middle of the show prof x was lecturing to the kids something bout psychics transferring their consciousness into someone else's body or smth right. whether it was ethical or not. i think thats what he did before he got _____ by ______ so that means he _____ and he didnt really _____! and there will be a _____4! haha shit i think i gave away much of the ending too bad.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
sausage fest
haha met benny to study today at a secret location. and met sausage fest on the way there. haha go figure out what sausage fest means. its damn funny!! yea anyway the study place was great i think i'll be going there more often. haha cannot tell u all where it is if not my favourite seat will be gone! haha funny incident at the place. something like when i changed seat with benny, then some random hot girl sitting at another side stood up and walked away. then benny was teasing me say what she see my face already want to run away. in the end she came and sat at the table right behind us hahaha!! damn stupid man i think we are retarded.
headed to his church and met ian there too. the speaker was great!! yea spoke bout the gospel of pleasure. and tab said i grew shorter?? which i kinda think is true.. ahhh so sad!! went makan with ian. LOTS of catching up and juicy gossip hahaha! and talking bout how the face is more impt than the body cos body can change but face cannot hahaha! actually thats not true lah nowadays face also can change already. and being cheated of our moneys by innocent looking ppl. and and and i cant remember much already. hahaha
oh man going to house com camp sooon. havent packed and not prepared. wonder whats it gonna be like. hope it will be fun. holidays are gonna be gone real soon. after camp next week i'll be left with a few days before leaving for korea. by the time im back i'll be left with 1 week to study for bt2!! this is crazy im never gonna finish studying i tell u!!
haha oh yes i love benny and ian i just remembered what we talked bout. haha we are gonna set up a colinandkero poser blog. haha and this time its a three-way affair hahahaha!! triple the excitement and triple the gayness stay tuned to find out more!!!
headed to his church and met ian there too. the speaker was great!! yea spoke bout the gospel of pleasure. and tab said i grew shorter?? which i kinda think is true.. ahhh so sad!! went makan with ian. LOTS of catching up and juicy gossip hahaha! and talking bout how the face is more impt than the body cos body can change but face cannot hahaha! actually thats not true lah nowadays face also can change already. and being cheated of our moneys by innocent looking ppl. and and and i cant remember much already. hahaha
oh man going to house com camp sooon. havent packed and not prepared. wonder whats it gonna be like. hope it will be fun. holidays are gonna be gone real soon. after camp next week i'll be left with a few days before leaving for korea. by the time im back i'll be left with 1 week to study for bt2!! this is crazy im never gonna finish studying i tell u!!
haha oh yes i love benny and ian i just remembered what we talked bout. haha we are gonna set up a colinandkero poser blog. haha and this time its a three-way affair hahahaha!! triple the excitement and triple the gayness stay tuned to find out more!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
hear you laugh like you really mean it
Please don't go crazy, if I tell you the truth
No you don't know what happened
And you never will if
You don't listen to me while I talk to the wall
This blanket is freezing, it's been out in the hall
Where you've had me for hours
Till I'm sure what I want
But darling I want the same thing that I wanted before
So sweetheart tell me what's up I won't stop no way
Please keep your hands down
And stop raising your voice
It's hardly what I'd be doing if you gave me a choice
It's a simple suggestion can you give me sometime
So just say yes or no
Why can't you shoulder the blame
Cos both my shoulders are heavy
From the weight of us both
You're a big boy now so let's not talk about growth
You've not heard a single word I have said...
Oh, my God
Please take it easy it can't all be my fault
I haven't made half the mistakes
That you've listed so far
Oh baby let me explain something
It's all down to drugs
At least I remember taking them and not a lot else
It seems I've stepped over lines
You've drawn again and again
But if the ecstacy's in the wit is definitely out
Dr. Jekyll is wrestling Hyde for my pride
dam nice song man wooooo..
anyway haha i just remembered something stupid. i smsed peiyu something a few days ago "oh dont forget tmr gp and benny meeting me". something along this line. cos i wanted to remind got gp lesson the next day la and i was gonna meet benny after the gp lesson but thats besides the point. peiyu said she spent half a day figuring out who is GP!! HAHAHAHAHA i think thats joke of the century!!
oh and today had dry run for the j1s with house com ppl. haha oh man gonna do the pulling apart thingy again. just thinking..quite wierd cos if we dont do it seriously then the effect wont be there. and if we do it too seriously the j1s will just hate us after that! haha and took many many funny pictures where everyone was jumping around like YAY WE JUST ESCAPED WOODBRIDGE!! haha everyone was totally crazy. went to meet benny after that again. caught jien nat weiyan on the 142 bus too. haha i really feel the same way man. the stuff bout sec sch and jc. well at least im not the only one who feels that way.. haha after that nat was waiting for her friend at tp so we waited together cos benny wasnt there yet too. yes the usual irritating buggers who sell coupons which they print out of their own canon printers were there. haha! and nat said some guy walked past her with a BO which overpowered the fragrance coming from body shop. HAHA thats damn funny!! oh yea toa payoh library is really bad for studying its so packed with wierd ppl. and as usual went pool (no, not swimming pool). and guess what SHAWN TAN and PUDEN was there too! haha i wasnt surprised man. hmm studied a little after that. went churchie. had meeting. haha i remember after the meeting there was some apple pie/blueberry stuffing thingy which was damn nice! erm sadly no i dont remember much of the meeting :p haha anyway i feel reallllly detached from church nowadays. maybe like more detached than a random sunday visitor la. aiya well i still remember someone siao said "i dont live to please man" haha does that apply? i dunno.
anyway i think im the only loser in the world who hasnt watched xmen3 okay!!!! dont tell me i got to resort to going into balestier cinema ALONE..JUST KIDDING la! are u crazy going there alone is like asking to be raped ok. hehehe ok no-link anyway its late cya i gotta renew my passport tmr. argh so irritating it expires every year and when u travel they want it min 6 months to expiry so thats like u gotta renew every 6 months?? dumb dumb dumb.
ohh yes i shall put lame pictures haha
thats brian the last time he came sg. haha ba zhang boy!
the chicken outside my house ages ago. looks retarded eh? maybe bird flu.
No you don't know what happened
And you never will if
You don't listen to me while I talk to the wall
This blanket is freezing, it's been out in the hall
Where you've had me for hours
Till I'm sure what I want
But darling I want the same thing that I wanted before
So sweetheart tell me what's up I won't stop no way
Please keep your hands down
And stop raising your voice
It's hardly what I'd be doing if you gave me a choice
It's a simple suggestion can you give me sometime
So just say yes or no
Why can't you shoulder the blame
Cos both my shoulders are heavy
From the weight of us both
You're a big boy now so let's not talk about growth
You've not heard a single word I have said...
Oh, my God
Please take it easy it can't all be my fault
I haven't made half the mistakes
That you've listed so far
Oh baby let me explain something
It's all down to drugs
At least I remember taking them and not a lot else
It seems I've stepped over lines
You've drawn again and again
But if the ecstacy's in the wit is definitely out
Dr. Jekyll is wrestling Hyde for my pride
dam nice song man wooooo..
anyway haha i just remembered something stupid. i smsed peiyu something a few days ago "oh dont forget tmr gp and benny meeting me". something along this line. cos i wanted to remind got gp lesson the next day la and i was gonna meet benny after the gp lesson but thats besides the point. peiyu said she spent half a day figuring out who is GP!! HAHAHAHAHA i think thats joke of the century!!
oh and today had dry run for the j1s with house com ppl. haha oh man gonna do the pulling apart thingy again. just thinking..quite wierd cos if we dont do it seriously then the effect wont be there. and if we do it too seriously the j1s will just hate us after that! haha and took many many funny pictures where everyone was jumping around like YAY WE JUST ESCAPED WOODBRIDGE!! haha everyone was totally crazy. went to meet benny after that again. caught jien nat weiyan on the 142 bus too. haha i really feel the same way man. the stuff bout sec sch and jc. well at least im not the only one who feels that way.. haha after that nat was waiting for her friend at tp so we waited together cos benny wasnt there yet too. yes the usual irritating buggers who sell coupons which they print out of their own canon printers were there. haha! and nat said some guy walked past her with a BO which overpowered the fragrance coming from body shop. HAHA thats damn funny!! oh yea toa payoh library is really bad for studying its so packed with wierd ppl. and as usual went pool (no, not swimming pool). and guess what SHAWN TAN and PUDEN was there too! haha i wasnt surprised man. hmm studied a little after that. went churchie. had meeting. haha i remember after the meeting there was some apple pie/blueberry stuffing thingy which was damn nice! erm sadly no i dont remember much of the meeting :p haha anyway i feel reallllly detached from church nowadays. maybe like more detached than a random sunday visitor la. aiya well i still remember someone siao said "i dont live to please man" haha does that apply? i dunno.
anyway i think im the only loser in the world who hasnt watched xmen3 okay!!!! dont tell me i got to resort to going into balestier cinema ALONE..JUST KIDDING la! are u crazy going there alone is like asking to be raped ok. hehehe ok no-link anyway its late cya i gotta renew my passport tmr. argh so irritating it expires every year and when u travel they want it min 6 months to expiry so thats like u gotta renew every 6 months?? dumb dumb dumb.
ohh yes i shall put lame pictures haha

the chicken outside my house ages ago. looks retarded eh? maybe bird flu.
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