omg im back from the f1 race trials. theres only one word to describe it: LOUD. omg freakin mistake not to buy the earplugs at the entrance! its like 20x louder than main gun live firing i tell you. haha and the crowd was okay okay except for when one part where there was a bottleneck. then some angmoh guy got damn pissed and started shouting and dunno i heard someone say something funny: "this is un-f*cking-believable!" hahahahah what a catch phrase hey i like it! yeah but if anyone is going, my advice is to wear your worst pair of shoes cos its gonna get dirty and ppl are gona step all over your toes and wear a cool tshirt and shorts cos sweat is gonna drown you!
and then when i finally reached the seating area, there was this other chinese guy shouting F*CK something something cos i think he was pissed at ppl standing in front of the fence snapping pictures and blocking his view. ha its damn retarded man. what are the foreigners gonna think of singaporeans?
and there were NO RACING BABES dammit all my effort is wasted haha :p
zz anyway i planned out my leave already hehe! i dun need to go back camp from 15 oct onwards! unless kena guard duty again la. damit la tmr morning must book in for a freakin 24hr guard duty. why i just come back from taiwan instantly tio this kind of shit. some more next week ATP i tio ammo ic. CHWEEEEEEEEE THIS IS SO UNFAIR omg im whining!!!!!!!
benny called just now and he said he is dying in ocs. hmm at least get to book out on hari raya eh? hehe! gogogo no kick! whereas beho also called me just now, but to ask me play soccer tmr hahaha! see the difference between sispec and ocs. sadly i cant play. haha they must miss me badly :PPP no star player hahah!
ok sleep sleep now tmr wake up early then can watch all the gossip girl on my ipod!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
song from the new ipod advert: chairlift - bruises

i bummed at home the whole day. urgh i wanna go out!! watch movie!! shopping!! see hot (singaporean) babes! haha taiwan meimeis are too much!
went to a club called LAVA in taipei on the last night of our r&r. i think its like the most happening club there haha and at least its quite english type no cheena songs. but the dj was like yo-yo-yoing in chinese damn irritating hahaha! but the gals are hothothot! haha even have a "remove the bikini" contest. can nominate gals to go up on stage and they have to dance in a bikini hahah! and random public are allowed to go and pull off the top but of course nobody did that la aiya so sad :(
went to a different theme park this time too. the roller coaster car went up with the usual glglgllglglglgl loud sound then stopped on a horizontal beam. then the beam rotates 90 degrees till the car is like facing down vertically then whoosh! let go! okay!
but other than that, the whole freakin 3 weeks there was a waste of time la. do shit brainless work and the r&r was damn boring. its great to be back! and benny got into ocs hahaha gd luck haf fun. go back to camp tonight and tmr the shit work starts again. just now someone already called me say im the duty instructor tmr walao. so fast kena shoot arrow already. i hope can take leave from wed to fri leh though it seems highly unlikely now. urghzzzz.
and happy belated birthday peiyu!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
yay congrats private see yixiang benny pop lo! shit man i cant go out with you during ur block leave. ok when i come back ok?
finally all my outfield is over. gonna slack in camp the next few days or almost 1 more week before r & r. ha i just went to the gym just now ok so im not exactly slacking ha ha at least got work out a bit ;p
the internet room here is damn sucky la the aircon is spoilt. and no fan. im practically sweating to death here and the mosquitoes are like commando style wan argh. erm 3 min left on my comp timer. its like 10NT for 30 min of comp usage. so ghey. and its windows 98 hahahahah now is already 2008 which means this comp is more than 10 yrs old???
anwm see ya soon! my comp is gona shut down in 2 min!
yay congrats private see yixiang benny pop lo! shit man i cant go out with you during ur block leave. ok when i come back ok?
finally all my outfield is over. gonna slack in camp the next few days or almost 1 more week before r & r. ha i just went to the gym just now ok so im not exactly slacking ha ha at least got work out a bit ;p
the internet room here is damn sucky la the aircon is spoilt. and no fan. im practically sweating to death here and the mosquitoes are like commando style wan argh. erm 3 min left on my comp timer. its like 10NT for 30 min of comp usage. so ghey. and its windows 98 hahahahah now is already 2008 which means this comp is more than 10 yrs old???
anwm see ya soon! my comp is gona shut down in 2 min!
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