ok gotta slp now must wake up at 7 plus tmr! see u guys soon! omg i cant go for the partehhh on 3rd dec!! haha pls dont be wasted on the 4th cos il be back then ok! SEE YA SOON n ALL THE BEST FOR EXAM TAKERS aka rong n kevin! chuck says "better do well or i will tackle u like i tackled.. barbie?" haha ok that was nonsense.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
u fat boy
Sunday, November 23, 2008
good to go
anyway, latest gossip! i saw the G sajc canoeing teacher-in-charge with his toyboy at changi airport just now hahahah! and i got spy picture to prove it. oh mannn im back to my spy picturing ways again.. this is bad :s
was there just now cos its like early celebration of mummy's bday. had dinner at some chinese restaurant called xiao dian er which was reasonably priced n yummy! the service also full marks! i love the mongolian pork ribs thingy oh noo fattyboys is starting to haunt me again. haha reo wants to change fattyboys to spartanboys! then after dinner my sis went inside this bra shop blush! cos it was like having cheap sale or smth hahaha. then omg my whole family went in and i was thinking in my head "err since when did bra shops become family destinations?" hahaha so weird la i dunno what passersby were thinking when they see me and my dad inside walking around looking at what EDIBLE UNDERWEAR and ARTIFICIALLY FLAVOURED BODY BUTTER hahaha so kinky. aiyohh after about 5min i went off on my own to take random shots of t3 :p
argh my feet is killing me! since yesterday i had a giant blister at the arch of my foot. or where the arch is supposed to be (cos im flat footed haha) and i itchy hand go and peel off the skin la now i must limp around so toot. SHIT TMR GOT SOCCER GAME with church guys for the first time and why must this happen to me nowwwwww! and on my other feet the skin is like cracking up. i think i must go apply mum's cracked heel lotion.
ohh gravity why cant we seem to keep it together!
was there just now cos its like early celebration of mummy's bday. had dinner at some chinese restaurant called xiao dian er which was reasonably priced n yummy! the service also full marks! i love the mongolian pork ribs thingy oh noo fattyboys is starting to haunt me again. haha reo wants to change fattyboys to spartanboys! then after dinner my sis went inside this bra shop blush! cos it was like having cheap sale or smth hahaha. then omg my whole family went in and i was thinking in my head "err since when did bra shops become family destinations?" hahaha so weird la i dunno what passersby were thinking when they see me and my dad inside walking around looking at what EDIBLE UNDERWEAR and ARTIFICIALLY FLAVOURED BODY BUTTER hahaha so kinky. aiyohh after about 5min i went off on my own to take random shots of t3 :p
argh my feet is killing me! since yesterday i had a giant blister at the arch of my foot. or where the arch is supposed to be (cos im flat footed haha) and i itchy hand go and peel off the skin la now i must limp around so toot. SHIT TMR GOT SOCCER GAME with church guys for the first time and why must this happen to me nowwwwww! and on my other feet the skin is like cracking up. i think i must go apply mum's cracked heel lotion.
ohh gravity why cant we seem to keep it together!
so deeply flawed
today during cell we all made commitments. im gonna be 100% honest this week haha no half truths no white lies ok! so pls dont come ask me do i look ugly or something like that i will die haha! yes dont u think its pretty hard to tell the truth most of the times? but if everyone just did, there would be so much less problems on hand.
and of course even more so on my blog, if i just wrote all my thoughts without filtering i think i would just hurt so many ppl. worse than frontstabbing la!
haha ok so before this gets too preachy..
and of course even more so on my blog, if i just wrote all my thoughts without filtering i think i would just hurt so many ppl. worse than frontstabbing la!
haha ok so before this gets too preachy..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
malaysia again
it just occurred to me im leavin to malaysia on the 26th! thats like next wed so soon! like that i dont feel like going for job interview next week alr haha. shit im gonna miss the IT expo! how to get my benq lidat :( and my kittens how? haha im sounding like reo. HOW??
laugh it off
feeling lousy. FACEBOOK IS EVIL.
omg rong and kevin so sly la ask me login my facebook then go and edit my profile! change sex to female somemore! eeeehhh betray my trust WAA! really leh when i just reached home and login fb i got like 16 notifications! and why do ppl think its funny when my status change to its complicated ahhhhhh? must be cos i CKJ too many times already la. haha acronyms are the "in" things nowadays. aiyo no more reputation already la lidat! but actually i have none to begin with also haha. ehh if this sounds like im whining, no im not la. im perfectly fine with it really haha can AA abit also makes life more exciting :p
peiyu wanna setup online shop! selling disaster cookies, delicious cheesecake, brownies, uglio olio. yay!
kanesh is still pretty much the same. black. hahaha but it was nice to have him join us actually! and he kept asking me to finish off his vegetarian food for him la i feel so fat i went to run just now the minute i reached home. and also to run off the alcohol from harry's haha lady's desire what a dumb drink. yeah which explains why i took so long to update my fb haha! anyway im very proud of my nikeplus mileage so far! ive clocked 225km on it already woohoo and i havent given up on it yet. ohh which means 225km on my pair of running shoes already. omg must change shoes already and its been barely half a year!
ok but the main point is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REO! haha its so funny how ive only known him for such a short time but yet it feels like we're old friends. haha sounds so gay. nine is expanding yay! can become nine plus 1 plus 2 plus 3 already :) and he made delicious cheesecake which was, simply delicious! serious if u told me it was starbucks cheesecake or secret recipe or what i would have believed! reo = ultimate baker no disaster haha unlike me. cos CAKJ.
haaa damn tired now. just now on the bus ride home i kept dozing off and i rested my head on the black handlebar thing on the seat for ppl to grip. then everytime the bus brake and move off i will hit my head damn hard and loudly on the thing la. haha but too tired to really wake up also.
and, i realise i dont feel so lousy after all! maybe its the running endorphines kicking in ha! off to bed! i will reply all the nonsense fb comments some other time haha. chuck says "im fine n thanks for your concern rong!"
omg rong and kevin so sly la ask me login my facebook then go and edit my profile! change sex to female somemore! eeeehhh betray my trust WAA! really leh when i just reached home and login fb i got like 16 notifications! and why do ppl think its funny when my status change to its complicated ahhhhhh? must be cos i CKJ too many times already la. haha acronyms are the "in" things nowadays. aiyo no more reputation already la lidat! but actually i have none to begin with also haha. ehh if this sounds like im whining, no im not la. im perfectly fine with it really haha can AA abit also makes life more exciting :p
peiyu wanna setup online shop! selling disaster cookies, delicious cheesecake, brownies, uglio olio. yay!
kanesh is still pretty much the same. black. hahaha but it was nice to have him join us actually! and he kept asking me to finish off his vegetarian food for him la i feel so fat i went to run just now the minute i reached home. and also to run off the alcohol from harry's haha lady's desire what a dumb drink. yeah which explains why i took so long to update my fb haha! anyway im very proud of my nikeplus mileage so far! ive clocked 225km on it already woohoo and i havent given up on it yet. ohh which means 225km on my pair of running shoes already. omg must change shoes already and its been barely half a year!
ok but the main point is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REO! haha its so funny how ive only known him for such a short time but yet it feels like we're old friends. haha sounds so gay. nine is expanding yay! can become nine plus 1 plus 2 plus 3 already :) and he made delicious cheesecake which was, simply delicious! serious if u told me it was starbucks cheesecake or secret recipe or what i would have believed! reo = ultimate baker no disaster haha unlike me. cos CAKJ.
haaa damn tired now. just now on the bus ride home i kept dozing off and i rested my head on the black handlebar thing on the seat for ppl to grip. then everytime the bus brake and move off i will hit my head damn hard and loudly on the thing la. haha but too tired to really wake up also.
and, i realise i dont feel so lousy after all! maybe its the running endorphines kicking in ha! off to bed! i will reply all the nonsense fb comments some other time haha. chuck says "im fine n thanks for your concern rong!"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
planet health
barbie is an ass! he bit my finger today when i was feeding him la! my middle finger somemore leh. haha but they are damn adorable! now they start to pounce on random objects already hahaha so cuteee! and the dumbass mum damn funny also. she will sit on the floor and sweep her tail left right left right then bimbo and chuck will keep pouncing on the tail but keep missing cos its moving left right left hahaha! but hungry is so anti social! whole day hide in the corner wan leh nv play with his siblings. so sad! but when i pour the food for the kittens hungry can finish one whole plate while the rest like just eat 1 or 2 pieces hahaha really HUNGRY indeed.
ord 1 week already leh and i still havent done anything omg im sucha loser.
STARS NEW EP!! SAD ROBOTS sweeeeeeeeet!
was listening to planet health on my ipod then keep thinking of all you weight conscious freaks who keep whining about gaining 1 kg hahahahah! so what if im the heaviest arhhhhhh. haha when my mum saw me walking out with rong sebas n reo yesterday to the bus stop she say somemore how come all my friends so skinny one ah. i say like esther lidat all bulemic :p
ord 1 week already leh and i still havent done anything omg im sucha loser.
STARS NEW EP!! SAD ROBOTS sweeeeeeeeet!
was listening to planet health on my ipod then keep thinking of all you weight conscious freaks who keep whining about gaining 1 kg hahahahah! so what if im the heaviest arhhhhhh. haha when my mum saw me walking out with rong sebas n reo yesterday to the bus stop she say somemore how come all my friends so skinny one ah. i say like esther lidat all bulemic :p
Monday, November 17, 2008
clamour in your whisper
omg u gotta check out kaypoh girl's video on her blog hahahaha its damn funny! ohmy the broken wrist is damn funny.
walao sebas and kevin keep making fun of my flabbiness what asses la. still eat 2 donuts today again lol! yay i like green tea flavour. queer tastebuds :p
and my cats shifted house again arghhhh now super troublesome to go find them la! but anyway luckily i got new pics n videos of them yesterday before they shift haha! such a camwhore.
and today i kept dozing off in church la so malu. argh and im down with the flu :( hate the weather la so toot.
walao sebas and kevin keep making fun of my flabbiness what asses la. still eat 2 donuts today again lol! yay i like green tea flavour. queer tastebuds :p
and my cats shifted house again arghhhh now super troublesome to go find them la! but anyway luckily i got new pics n videos of them yesterday before they shift haha! such a camwhore.
and today i kept dozing off in church la so malu. argh and im down with the flu :( hate the weather la so toot.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
kick start my rock n roll heart
omg today was another super gayboyssss day!! or fattyboys rather. me sebas n kev went to do damn random and retarded things the whole day la and they damn weird keep spying gay couples. and they keep saying i got G tendencies dammit for the record im 100% straight! hahaha but yeah i think anyone who saw the 3 of us walking round suntec n town today would definitely think we are seriously queer.
today damn sinful also la. we keep eating and eating and eating all the fried/fatty/sugary stuff omg. first kevin came from sch with a packet of crystal jade peking duck omg!!! then we sat down at starbucks and started eating the peking duck there hahahahahahahahahah! what an abomination. what if outside ppl see already then think like starbucks got a new combo set meal buy 2 lattes get a peking duck free haha! then we had kfc 3 piece chicken, and sebas gave me all his chicken skin some more. THEN we still had like half a dozen of donut factory donuts. AND THEN WE HAD TORI Q BENTO SET SOME MORE. SERIOUSSSSS i think we are gluttons. can become fattyboys already hahaha! but nvm i try to exercise everyday :p i think my fitness now quite up there yay!
today damn sinful also la. we keep eating and eating and eating all the fried/fatty/sugary stuff omg. first kevin came from sch with a packet of crystal jade peking duck omg!!! then we sat down at starbucks and started eating the peking duck there hahahahahahahahahah! what an abomination. what if outside ppl see already then think like starbucks got a new combo set meal buy 2 lattes get a peking duck free haha! then we had kfc 3 piece chicken, and sebas gave me all his chicken skin some more. THEN we still had like half a dozen of donut factory donuts. AND THEN WE HAD TORI Q BENTO SET SOME MORE. SERIOUSSSSS i think we are gluttons. can become fattyboys already hahaha! but nvm i try to exercise everyday :p i think my fitness now quite up there yay!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
there's a reason that the world turns round
So take all that you know and stuff it in a hole
And in ten thousand years someone will take you home
Rewind the words in which you roam
got new vcds to watch! and caught hsm3 with sebas today hahaha so G! yes must seriously cut my spending. and baking cookies is indeed an expensive hobby. and im so glad i finally got to swim this morning and the sun was out! but it rained cats n dogs in the afternoon la. me and sebas were like freezing inside great world city. haha then i had to smuggle hot soya bean into the cinema. but sebas say he cant drink hot drinks or he'll get fever so he still went for cold drink hahaha what a dumbass! and hahaha kevin what u wanna smack my thirdboob omg. so sly la sebas go and sms benny some more. oh ben n jerrys hiring leh hahaha and got what ice cream fest coming up in december sounds exciting!
went to sebas house yesterday too. played with shep haha he damn active la! and he loves to lick his crotch. and he shits damn quickly la haha poor sebas must clean up his pee all the time. and we played burnout revenge and some random shooting game which just gave me motion sickness. and YES FINALLY ESTHER'S EXAMS ARE OVER! hahaha today she just asked me to go look for job with her. omg i cant imagine working in the same place with her la! il probably be doing lots of extra work lor cos she will "erm kor kor i dunno how to do this leh can u help me" hahah then thats it.
to my dear friends stressing out over exams n sch stuff ie rong peiyu and kevin: keep going! hahaha now sebas tgot to listen to my whiny backstabbing bitching all by himself!
hungry says "meow im soo cute!"
And in ten thousand years someone will take you home
Rewind the words in which you roam
got new vcds to watch! and caught hsm3 with sebas today hahaha so G! yes must seriously cut my spending. and baking cookies is indeed an expensive hobby. and im so glad i finally got to swim this morning and the sun was out! but it rained cats n dogs in the afternoon la. me and sebas were like freezing inside great world city. haha then i had to smuggle hot soya bean into the cinema. but sebas say he cant drink hot drinks or he'll get fever so he still went for cold drink hahaha what a dumbass! and hahaha kevin what u wanna smack my thirdboob omg. so sly la sebas go and sms benny some more. oh ben n jerrys hiring leh hahaha and got what ice cream fest coming up in december sounds exciting!
went to sebas house yesterday too. played with shep haha he damn active la! and he loves to lick his crotch. and he shits damn quickly la haha poor sebas must clean up his pee all the time. and we played burnout revenge and some random shooting game which just gave me motion sickness. and YES FINALLY ESTHER'S EXAMS ARE OVER! hahaha today she just asked me to go look for job with her. omg i cant imagine working in the same place with her la! il probably be doing lots of extra work lor cos she will "erm kor kor i dunno how to do this leh can u help me" hahah then thats it.
to my dear friends stressing out over exams n sch stuff ie rong peiyu and kevin: keep going! hahaha now sebas tgot to listen to my whiny backstabbing bitching all by himself!
hungry says "meow im soo cute!"
Monday, November 10, 2008
happy as a clam
O-R-D!! jiayou benny!
argh i wonder if im the only one receiving all the spam msn messages. like from random emails for example k_espanol@hotmail.com says "Hi im so frustrated msn is weird i cant start my webcam. check out my videos at www.iamsohotandsexy.com!!" hahaha okay disclaimer: all emails and urls listed here are purely fictitious and all resemblance is coincidental. anyway ya these random msn messages pop up like every 10 min! walao even when im online but playing my star wars, after i exit game i can see like a row of flashing orange msn convos lining up on my taskbar. argh so irritating.
met kevin at parkway to source for GOODSTUFFZZZZ. hahahaha bulemic cookies. damn funny la kevin! and we had yumyum ayam penyet. first time! dam gd. but we ordered damn alot la and the bandung peanut sauce thingy i like! i think kevin can open a dessert cafe haha ur tiramisu mousse and almond jelly. hahaha make yellow jelly omg. and puke green cookies :s
yesterday caught 007 with beho shawn nic and kumlong. niceeee! hot russian babe i like!
walao i damn dumb la i accidentally deleted my driving instr hp number cos my phonebook was full and i started clearing the contacts of those names i dont recognise. LOL i totally forgot he was the driving instructor la! now i got no instructor how. go google for instructor ah. and its also a sign for me to get a freakin new phone. its like everytime i need to add new contact i must look for a random name to delete first haha. actually maybe if i delete all the numbers of those ppl i stalk last time i think i would have space for 100+ more numbers HAHAHAHAHA ok that was a joke pls dont take that seriously. no qysh i deleted long ago OK!
argh i wonder if im the only one receiving all the spam msn messages. like from random emails for example k_espanol@hotmail.com says "Hi im so frustrated msn is weird i cant start my webcam. check out my videos at www.iamsohotandsexy.com!!" hahaha okay disclaimer: all emails and urls listed here are purely fictitious and all resemblance is coincidental. anyway ya these random msn messages pop up like every 10 min! walao even when im online but playing my star wars, after i exit game i can see like a row of flashing orange msn convos lining up on my taskbar. argh so irritating.
met kevin at parkway to source for GOODSTUFFZZZZ. hahahaha bulemic cookies. damn funny la kevin! and we had yumyum ayam penyet. first time! dam gd. but we ordered damn alot la and the bandung peanut sauce thingy i like! i think kevin can open a dessert cafe haha ur tiramisu mousse and almond jelly. hahaha make yellow jelly omg. and puke green cookies :s
yesterday caught 007 with beho shawn nic and kumlong. niceeee! hot russian babe i like!
walao i damn dumb la i accidentally deleted my driving instr hp number cos my phonebook was full and i started clearing the contacts of those names i dont recognise. LOL i totally forgot he was the driving instructor la! now i got no instructor how. go google for instructor ah. and its also a sign for me to get a freakin new phone. its like everytime i need to add new contact i must look for a random name to delete first haha. actually maybe if i delete all the numbers of those ppl i stalk last time i think i would have space for 100+ more numbers HAHAHAHAHA ok that was a joke pls dont take that seriously. no qysh i deleted long ago OK!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
give me back my life
COME COME ALL ARE INVITED TO JOIN MY NEW CLUB FATTYBOYS!! DONT NEED TO BE BOY! JUST NEED TO BE FAT! currently 1 member: caleb wong. hahaha sebas says he quit. walaoeh only i can kick ppl out! u cant join and quit its not fair!
okay my kookeys turned out super thin and crispy and sweet like apple chips maybe? haha thanks peiyu kevin sebas and alvin for ur support hahaha even though i know it still needs lots of improvement. haha kevin and i got secret plan for disaster christmas! and ive been hanging out with sebas alot the past few days visiting pet shops! why are we suddenly caught by the pet craze?!?! its just like how they say ppl who hang out with fat ppl will grow fat themselves. hahaha! ok thats besides the point. im just trying to recruit members. oh and peiyu told us mushroom jokes which i still dont understand but yeah GOOD EFFORT hehe! and we didnt watch hsm in the end la cos kevin wanted to laze around and since we were all feeling lazy.. we had dinner at la mian xiao long bao with the usual 2 longs and dry flat 4 seasons beans. and i dunno why after that i feel my tummy going glug glug when i went to run. haha speaking of which, sebas scolded the subway guy today cos he mistakenly put mayonaise on his half of the sandwich today. haha i think he caused him to lose his job liao thats it.
yes update on kiteens: mum has no problems bout me keeping them! but i got this bad feeling that the mama cat is just using my place as a temporary home for the kittens and shes gonna take the whole litter away in a few weeks time. rrgh i dunno what to do. i feel like a real noobshit now. this afternoon i bought some cat food for the mama cat and some disposable absorbent paper thingy for the cats to do their business on. so i went to cut up a big cardboard box to make into like a litter box for the cats. and then when i put the 4 kittens inside, the mama keeps taking them out of the box and bringing them to another place. and she does that by biting the kittens neck. i guess thats her way of carrying the kittens. so i decided i should let the mama take care of them herself la. so i just poured the catfood and left them there and thats it. ha! she so sly also la when i there she dont eat, but the last time i checked it was all finished!
aiyo peiyu listen too much of the handstands song by chairlift already! pls see the doc okay and say whats up doc!
okay my kookeys turned out super thin and crispy and sweet like apple chips maybe? haha thanks peiyu kevin sebas and alvin for ur support hahaha even though i know it still needs lots of improvement. haha kevin and i got secret plan for disaster christmas! and ive been hanging out with sebas alot the past few days visiting pet shops! why are we suddenly caught by the pet craze?!?! its just like how they say ppl who hang out with fat ppl will grow fat themselves. hahaha! ok thats besides the point. im just trying to recruit members. oh and peiyu told us mushroom jokes which i still dont understand but yeah GOOD EFFORT hehe! and we didnt watch hsm in the end la cos kevin wanted to laze around and since we were all feeling lazy.. we had dinner at la mian xiao long bao with the usual 2 longs and dry flat 4 seasons beans. and i dunno why after that i feel my tummy going glug glug when i went to run. haha speaking of which, sebas scolded the subway guy today cos he mistakenly put mayonaise on his half of the sandwich today. haha i think he caused him to lose his job liao thats it.
yes update on kiteens: mum has no problems bout me keeping them! but i got this bad feeling that the mama cat is just using my place as a temporary home for the kittens and shes gonna take the whole litter away in a few weeks time. rrgh i dunno what to do. i feel like a real noobshit now. this afternoon i bought some cat food for the mama cat and some disposable absorbent paper thingy for the cats to do their business on. so i went to cut up a big cardboard box to make into like a litter box for the cats. and then when i put the 4 kittens inside, the mama keeps taking them out of the box and bringing them to another place. and she does that by biting the kittens neck. i guess thats her way of carrying the kittens. so i decided i should let the mama take care of them herself la. so i just poured the catfood and left them there and thats it. ha! she so sly also la when i there she dont eat, but the last time i checked it was all finished!
aiyo peiyu listen too much of the handstands song by chairlift already! pls see the doc okay and say whats up doc!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
just overwhelm me
HEHE sebas has pro driving skills! and parking skills! yesss today i went back to camp in the afternoon to get the freakin statements done. went to sebas house in the morning first cos he got the car and he's gonna drive to camp! yeah we went to have quick lunch at some hor fun shop at holland. i had some beef noodles thing damn nice! and sebas had 3 treasures rice hahahah ok weird as it sounds. (note to myself: i still owe him $10)
reached camp like around 12.45. sebas went to do his medical ffi and i went to do the statements stuff. walaoeh stupid saf really know how to waste ppl time la! all the bullshit about 3G army. my smelly ass la. i already went back to camp twice this week although im supposed to be on leave and STILL THE STATEMENTS ARE NOT SETTLED. and this time is cos some faggot had some meeting to attend. what the heeck. i went over to his office at 1, his colleague say he having lunch break, come back after lunch. so i went over to medical centre to join sebas first. and it started raining so i waited abit longer until around 3, when the rain got smaller. then i went back to the guy's office and his colleague said he went off to meeting. i seriously wanted to scream at his face la! I NEED TO HURT SOMEBODY ANYBODY!! and he had the cheek to ask me come back tomorrow. FOR GOODNESS SAKE IM ON LEAVE STOP WASTING MY BLOODY TIME! I TAKE 2 HOURS TO TRAVEL FROM MY HOUSE TO CAMP DAMMIT.
anyway lucky for me, bernard going back to camp tmr so i ask him help me settle it. PLS LET NOTHING SCREW UP AGAIN.
haha had last tea break at the canteen in camp with sebas. muah chee and rojak hahaha! actually i rarely eat that anyway. then we went emart to finish our credits. sebas got towels for his dawg.
and omg my mum knows about the cats under the shoe cabinet nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! good thing she never chase them away. yet. she was talking to everyone in general "eh did u all know got some cats staying at the shoe cabinet outside? so next time at night u must close the sliding door ok if not the cat will come walk around inside the house" hmm im gonna try ask her whether can keep hah. anyway i the mama cat is scared of broom sticks. must be kena alot of beatings by broomsticks before sia. i wanted to sweep all the rubbish under the shoe cabinet cos it was getting abit dirty. then the moment she saw the broom she stood up straight and started making weird sounds. haha so i quickly kept the broom and used tissue to clean up lor.
random stuffs: gossip girl is soooo exciting! i gotta REALLY go apply for PDL and contact my driving instructor lol. and go and apply for waitering (?) ehhh peiyu got ask ur fren about the bugis place there not hahaha.
reached camp like around 12.45. sebas went to do his medical ffi and i went to do the statements stuff. walaoeh stupid saf really know how to waste ppl time la! all the bullshit about 3G army. my smelly ass la. i already went back to camp twice this week although im supposed to be on leave and STILL THE STATEMENTS ARE NOT SETTLED. and this time is cos some faggot had some meeting to attend. what the heeck. i went over to his office at 1, his colleague say he having lunch break, come back after lunch. so i went over to medical centre to join sebas first. and it started raining so i waited abit longer until around 3, when the rain got smaller. then i went back to the guy's office and his colleague said he went off to meeting. i seriously wanted to scream at his face la! I NEED TO HURT SOMEBODY ANYBODY!! and he had the cheek to ask me come back tomorrow. FOR GOODNESS SAKE IM ON LEAVE STOP WASTING MY BLOODY TIME! I TAKE 2 HOURS TO TRAVEL FROM MY HOUSE TO CAMP DAMMIT.
anyway lucky for me, bernard going back to camp tmr so i ask him help me settle it. PLS LET NOTHING SCREW UP AGAIN.
haha had last tea break at the canteen in camp with sebas. muah chee and rojak hahaha! actually i rarely eat that anyway. then we went emart to finish our credits. sebas got towels for his dawg.
and omg my mum knows about the cats under the shoe cabinet nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! good thing she never chase them away. yet. she was talking to everyone in general "eh did u all know got some cats staying at the shoe cabinet outside? so next time at night u must close the sliding door ok if not the cat will come walk around inside the house" hmm im gonna try ask her whether can keep hah. anyway i the mama cat is scared of broom sticks. must be kena alot of beatings by broomsticks before sia. i wanted to sweep all the rubbish under the shoe cabinet cos it was getting abit dirty. then the moment she saw the broom she stood up straight and started making weird sounds. haha so i quickly kept the broom and used tissue to clean up lor.
random stuffs: gossip girl is soooo exciting! i gotta REALLY go apply for PDL and contact my driving instructor lol. and go and apply for waitering (?) ehhh peiyu got ask ur fren about the bugis place there not hahaha.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
meowth, thats right!
i dunno why my house attracts so manyy random animals. remember last time got one chicken sitting at my gate there! hahahaha! now got one mama cat with 4 kittens living under my shoe cabinet. damn cute!! i think the mum is abandoned by previous owner one. cos it has a bell tied around its neck. either that or it ownself run away with the daddy cat hahaha.
eee another failed attempt at swimming today again. i reach the pool and tong my $1 into the machine already then saw the whole pool full of rjc kids. walaoeh although the pool was still open to public, but i no mood to swim already la so crowded. haha not that i dont like crowd or what, i just scared all the school girls chase after my hot body hahahahaha then nose bleed and get cramps in the pool then it'll be my fault hahah i cant be so selfish right! :p
i promise im gonna bake cookies soon. but just now i go to ntuc fairprice they dont have all the ingredients i need argh. so lousy fairprice la. too bad got no cold storage near my house.
haha i just realised the cat was doing the rock eyebrow.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
you make stealing hearts seem so easy
snow pat's new album is awesome!
just met sebas at suntec to see the asics christmas fair. its damn shitty la. its like inside one miniature meeting room only so cramped. and i the soccer boots cost $90 which is like more ex than a pair of not-so-new adidas boots which i got from queensway. sweeeeee! yeah sebas followed me to get the boots, which cost $85, then we went ikea for dinner. haha talked alot of shit about pets and my sister and family and random stuff. oh seems like he has decided to get a puppy on tues! and he's gonna let me look after his guinea piggg when he goes overseas in december haha! exciting! i cant wait! and i feel damn fat now after eating the ikea dinner la. we shared 10 meatballs, 6 pc chicken wing, and 2 kids pasta. hahaha i must go swim tmr already. GOD PLS DONT LET IT RAIN. yay i so happy today in church daryl's mum say i look more fit hahaha! she say last time i look so small and skinny. and anna waved down at me from the spiral staircase hahaha i think i must have looked like a retard then :p
you cool your bedwarm hands down
on the broken radiator
when you lay them freezing on me
i mumble "can you wake me later?"
but i don't really want you to stop
and you know it so it doesn't stop you
and run your hands from my neck to my chest
crack the shutters open wide i wanna bathe you in the light of day
and just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
i could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
cause the daylight seems to want you just as much as i want you
it's been minutes, it's been days
it's been all i will remember
happy lost in your hair
and the cold side of the pillow
your hills and valleys
are mapped by my intrepid fingers
and in a naked slumber i dream all these again
medical ffi tmr hopefully its gonna be the 2nd last time i return to camp!!
just met sebas at suntec to see the asics christmas fair. its damn shitty la. its like inside one miniature meeting room only so cramped. and i the soccer boots cost $90 which is like more ex than a pair of not-so-new adidas boots which i got from queensway. sweeeeee! yeah sebas followed me to get the boots, which cost $85, then we went ikea for dinner. haha talked alot of shit about pets and my sister and family and random stuff. oh seems like he has decided to get a puppy on tues! and he's gonna let me look after his guinea piggg when he goes overseas in december haha! exciting! i cant wait! and i feel damn fat now after eating the ikea dinner la. we shared 10 meatballs, 6 pc chicken wing, and 2 kids pasta. hahaha i must go swim tmr already. GOD PLS DONT LET IT RAIN. yay i so happy today in church daryl's mum say i look more fit hahaha! she say last time i look so small and skinny. and anna waved down at me from the spiral staircase hahaha i think i must have looked like a retard then :p
you cool your bedwarm hands down
on the broken radiator
when you lay them freezing on me
i mumble "can you wake me later?"
but i don't really want you to stop
and you know it so it doesn't stop you
and run your hands from my neck to my chest
crack the shutters open wide i wanna bathe you in the light of day
and just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
i could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
cause the daylight seems to want you just as much as i want you
it's been minutes, it's been days
it's been all i will remember
happy lost in your hair
and the cold side of the pillow
your hills and valleys
are mapped by my intrepid fingers
and in a naked slumber i dream all these again
medical ffi tmr hopefully its gonna be the 2nd last time i return to camp!!
just wanna be ok
fagety wagety. just watched house bunny again with benny! its damn funnyyyyy!!! lately ive been watching many movies twice i dunno why its as though i have too much money! maybe i should do some philtrophy hahaha philantrophy. benny let me played the force unleashed on his psp its damn fun! and congrats on getting your IPPT GOLD!! total pwnage man. good luck for 10 day field camp!
missed soccer this morning. cos it was drizzling and i being a wuss didnt want to get wet haha. and besides the floor would be damn slippery and i dont wanna break a leg just before i ord. ord lo!
hah met liang sheng, pook and mitchell at church last night. and pte daryl har hahah they keep making fun of his rank la. was supposed to be a combined cell dinner thingy with music and games. got pretty good live music, not only christian songs. haha and they played dont forget the lyrics! samuel is so weird he gave me the weirdest advice on going to uni: dont get a girlfriend in year 1. errrrmm.. get a boyfriend?? omg anyway just now i was spying facebook pics cos i just saw from my live feed got new pictures uploaded by james low (omg pls i hope he doesnt see this or im soo dead). pics of his halloween night or whatever. omg damn frickin sick la i cant believe he actually cross dressed. okay its damn gross. RI boys all gone down the crooked path already. and rong is so queer how on earth did she know i was spying on ppl at the exact moment!! shit man i dont dare to spy anymore already la i better disable my facebook account :p
missed soccer this morning. cos it was drizzling and i being a wuss didnt want to get wet haha. and besides the floor would be damn slippery and i dont wanna break a leg just before i ord. ord lo!
hah met liang sheng, pook and mitchell at church last night. and pte daryl har hahah they keep making fun of his rank la. was supposed to be a combined cell dinner thingy with music and games. got pretty good live music, not only christian songs. haha and they played dont forget the lyrics! samuel is so weird he gave me the weirdest advice on going to uni: dont get a girlfriend in year 1. errrrmm.. get a boyfriend?? omg anyway just now i was spying facebook pics cos i just saw from my live feed got new pictures uploaded by james low (omg pls i hope he doesnt see this or im soo dead). pics of his halloween night or whatever. omg damn frickin sick la i cant believe he actually cross dressed. okay its damn gross. RI boys all gone down the crooked path already. and rong is so queer how on earth did she know i was spying on ppl at the exact moment!! shit man i dont dare to spy anymore already la i better disable my facebook account :p
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