thanks everyone for the gifts! love you allss!
and especially thanks to my wonderful girlfriend for the gift and the note! heeheee!
thanks everyone for the gifts! love you allss!
and especially thanks to my wonderful girlfriend for the gift and the note! heeheee!
with God, all things are possible. yesss even beho the cheapo even unlocked an achievement by spending $200 on his gf in one day! hahahah so ermm yeahh this is an encouragement to anyone who is trying to change a part of themselves for the better!
drunk lan with the guys was damn random and fun! beho puked into the bushes cos he don't give face alr just drink like water cos benny treat! then I heard when he went home, he saw a fairprice trolley at below his block, so he pushed it to his house and tried to use screwdriver to force the $1 coin out LOL. after awhile he gave up, then went to bathe. then after that he thought since his hair still wet, he decided to push it back to the supermarket to get the $1 back HAHAHA. cheap slutttt!
today went to atika's house to celebrate her 21st! met with booza ppl whom I havent met in super long. heheh and did half an audit today. sheeesh I need discipline to finish them!
picked up mengs friend minghan before heading to mengs office at muhammed sultan road in the evening, then went to great world for dinner. then decided to leave the car there since its per entry. and walked over to zouk for the SIM bash. hahah okay la got one big boobs girl who didn't win I think? all the guys have great bods heheh im jealous.
didn't meet nine!
oh and I received fawn's card today! lmxlb hahaha
hihi! yesss I must upload marathon pictures hahaha!
hahaha just whack only! see this year all my photos turned out quite nice hahaha! cos I shameless everytime I see camera ahead I will start running! actually was walking one la hahaha. anw my timing is my all time worst haha. sehhh think next yr no more marathons alr ahh! maybe half marathon max! eh shit speaking of which today is last day to sign up for sundown under early bird promo! I should do it! anyone wanna go half marathon with meeeee? then also there's safari zoo run and 2xu compression run all quite short distance one! heheh but quite ex also eh im going broke.
anw standard chartered run was like so full of big walkers. literally BIG and WALKERS. so big and block up so much space then still wanna walk in the centre. don't even have the courtesy to keep to the side sia what a noobsss. I mean if they start walking like before 10km mark something is obviously wrong why did they even sign up for 42km category right? isnt the 10k or 21k more suitable huh?
and went jb with the sas boys last week too! me and shawn brought our plus ones. hahaha and puden brought a friend (to intro kumlong haha!) and we nearly starved to death cos kum came at almost 9 I think. sehhh! anw its very convenient to go there eat I realise! cos can take 170 to malaysia customs there. then from there take cab to seafood place only like 4 ringgit? now that I know where it is, I can drive in also yay!! cheap seafood!
and met karthi one day at timbre too. gathering of the sas boys again hahaha only benny wasn't there cos he watched too much pr0n and got conjunc. austen brought jieying, but shawn didn't bring his other half, and beho intro-ed us to his gf!! HAHAHA! that dumbass beho intro her as his sister some more!! then for awhile I really thought is his sister lor hahaha. like totally didn't even know he was dating someone la! yeahh he say he took very long to find a girl as cheapskate as him hahaha. and their date go out only go window shopping hahah. and for dinner they go inside some fairprice or smth walk one round and eat all the free samples LOL!
oh ya and went to office with laimeng a few times last week. this week nv go already haha! and stayed over with her sharon joshua and qiyang some time last week too. oh yea we reached there after jb seafood. so like just go there then sleep already haha.
this week is pretty busy. suckssss. I havent even spent much time with the binny lately haha. I hope holidays don't pass so fast!
and met nine last night at holland v and we ate peking duck! (what an abomination) hehe very shiok eating it. then after eat finish alr still go next door for dim sum supper hahaha! rong says taiwan is colddddd I must go and learn knitting already haha! oh ya they went for knitting class today I wonder how it went
yes today I went kevin's house and fawn and rong were already there almost done with the cooking haha. I just go there eat only what a slut! the strawberry shortcake (is it?) they baked really niceeee! and we watched diary of a wimpy kid on his big screen. and I fell asleep somewhere in the middle haha. and played scott pilgrim demo on ps3 woohoo! then I went home to change and meet the boys for lan and they went for knitting class. hahaha knitting class at tiong bahru booger king! and today lan we played dota lol its like literally an ancient game! (cos dota stands for defence of the ancients) hahaha get it? hahaha annoying orange laughter* marshmallow heheheheh* siao alr! and during mw2 I became a camper heheheh camping is great!
and I still got 6 more audits to do sehhhh!
this week was packed to the brimmmm! but I gotta sleep now! I'll blog soon yeahh!
damn bored studyingggg! wanna sleepsssss. arhghghghgh!
studying today at bay-beeee's house! and her momma cooks nice nice food hahahah! (she claims it's only when I go over!) haha so I should go more often! yeahhh the prawns damn huge la! and fried egg! whohoho!
hi im mugging alone at airport now (just like city developments limited). pretty bored of fluid mech. ahhhh looking at the formula don't make sense to me at all! wahlaoo why organic chem concepts I can understand so easily but this fluid mech take me forever to understandddd!
and sitting beside a young couple makes me feel like URGH cos they're like perpetually touching each other huhhhh. (permgrind haha) wth man come here to study or come here to touch each other one! guy, stop looking at girl's boobs leh! haha and no im not looking either ok!
so tired of doing thissssss. would be nice to be spoilt for once!
helloooo im damn shaggggg today! dunno why leh.
anw, we got back our gek project already! and... we got an A+ hehehehehe! happy like bird! think everyone did a good job! and extra credits for chock for video editing! the lecturer's comments was something like "at some point a close up revealed that Caleb was smiling when he got knocked on the head and died" HAHAHA and she liked the bottle we gave her! aiya, should upload the video on youtube or smth leh hahah. and just took gek final exam yesterday. sehhh I got one mcq wronggggg! stupidd sia but I nv read the readings also. and our group really fen gong he zuo for the essay questions! we split up each one focus on 2 or 3 chapters. then end up the exam come out 2 chapters from my part, 1 from chock's and one from austen's.
mugged super hard the night before gek paper. with mengssss. then waited at my house till almost 12 for chock to send us his part sehhh. then we decided to start doing the questions ourselves. haha goodjob lucky laimeng got pay attention during lecture. I think I got a lot of info from her hahaha saved my ass!
ok actually I think ppl who don't take gek wont even know what ive been talking about lol!
today I met bay-beeeee for lunch at her office area! went liang court again hahaha. then wanted to visit sis working at uniqlo at 313 somerset but didn't see her! and didn't eat gelare half price waffle! but, we got shihlinsss and tako balsss heheeee!
gonna post this song which chock posted on fb before!! but nice I like!
think the rescues is really awesomeeee
I love to eat my poop yay!
okay im blogging now! but I cant rmb much of what happened last week already sehhh! but can see laimengs blog for a lot of pictures! hahaha. yesterday I went to collect my stand chart race pack from expo. mengs was supposed to go with me then we were planning to study at changi after that, but I decided to just go myself and save her the trouble of travelling to and fro! haha oh ya cos I didn't drive. yeahh its one of the few times I don't drive eh. but don't worry im not a spoilt brat or what, I still know how to take bus and mrt ok! anw latest news, someone just got a car too hahaha!
and oh yeah I let benny drive my car I think 2 weeks ago? hahaha just like in phuket.
yesss and yesterday after collecting race pack I went to meet laimeng at novena to muggg. and saw kumlong at tully's. but we went donut factory to study hahaha. kumlong says "wait become fat like austen" LOL austen fat meh? anw mengs loved the mushroom pasta there hahaha we had it for lunch and dinner! the double choc donut sucks tho. seriously like negative 9 upon 10. ultra fail. cos the chocolate glaze on top was hard and flaky and the inside chocolate filling was not oozing out kind. it was more like a lump of chocolate chips that melted and hardened and stuck together like that. if u know what I mean. sehh!
and pontian at united square is damn ex! pls patronise the one at toa payoh instead! hahaha!
so yeah I opened the stand chart goodie bag and its really way better than sundown goodie bag! got a bottle of silkbath hahaha which I gave mengs! and lots of 1-for-1 food vouchers. and even a FREE NETS FLASHPAY CARD! but of course inside no value lah must ownself top up. but the design is like limited ed sia hahaha ok cheap thrill! and the singlet is x100 nicer than last yr's stand chart hahaha! maybe +50 points since its branded by asics instead of new balance. ogay anw the run is 5th december (someone's bday) morning at 5am (SEHHH!) means I must wake up at 3am! starts at orchard near wheelock, and ends at padang there. so hmmm if I rmb correctly there will be free shuttle service from the end point to the start point (cos our bags will be deposited there). so yeahh I expect lots of sweaty and smelly ppl sharing the bus with me back. or rather I would be a major contributor of sweat and smell to the bus too. and inside the goodie bag got the encouragement note thing which I can pin to the back of my singlet. supposed to write a note of encouragement to fellow runners la haha so they can see my behind while running. maybe I can write "call 12345678 for free sex!!" or something hahaha then ppl will try to memorize my number while running then they will stay behind me and not overtake me. or they might get too excited and trip and fall down HAHA! that's quite an imagination.
and should I go for another 42km next yr???? sundownnnnn. registration early bird open liaosss! I think I will join either full or half marathon. got 10k category also so friends pls join with me hahaha!
ahhh im supposed to blog but...
its super late! I must wake up in a few hrs!
hehehehe yes ive been mugging hard!
bay-beeeeeeee I blog tmrrrr!
HEHE laimeng just showed me this uber cute car!! I lovee it!!!! and it's a beetle too hahaha! sweenesss!
and today was a happy day! and mengs treated me to teppanyaki dinner hahaha so ups! yeahhhh nice! tmr is mugging day again! after exams got marathon @.@ sehhhh! haizz no time to eggserciseee! cant wait for it to end!
for those of you who have seen the video of the crazy little girl with the ladle and cat and I dunno what other things..
hehe lets start with yesterday! I stupidly made a reservation to the wrong restaurant hahaha! what a dumbasss! then went in to this place which looks quite ups then we were like the only chapalang kids there. then laimeng ate peanuts some more alr hahah but I told them we wanted to shift over. haha lucky the staff was nice about it. but I think mengs wanted to kill me cos I deprived her of her ee-fu mian hahaha! next time k I promise! must wear nicer go also haha! then some more had to wait quite long to enter the colourful xlb place! the xlb quite exxxx! but the flavours quite unique. hmmm actually generally the texture of the skin and meat all nicer than crystal jade one! I like the crab one which laimeng says tastes like fish hahaha. and zha jiang mian was naisee! not too much noodles too! then I had green tea shaved ice thingy. hahaha its like exactly the same as what the og ppl ate 2 days ago! yeah qiyang and his first hot date hahaha I hope he doesn't see this oh myyyy im using new windows live writer now and it auto corrects doesnt to doesn't and the :p into
!! cool huh!
and we've been supporting dave's fund raising sales the past 2 days ehh. bought many cups of gong cha already and even a packet of metal eggsss! woohoo taiwan food nice! oh yes randomm I like comebuy at toapayoh!
met peiyu and benny for badminton at super ulu tanjong pagar cc today after schh. and peiyu bought a tube of DUCK FEATHERS shuttlecock not bad! thankssss lifesaver if not we would be hitting air with our rackets and peiyu is damn slyyy keep whacking shuttlecocks into my faceee and boobs and just ME in general!!
then benny followed her example and started shooting me also! hahaha lucky mengs helped me bully benny back yeay! okay im the most useless dood there. and we played dodgecock for awhile hahaha! dodgecock cos its like dodgeball but with shuttle cocks. sehhh then after that we played boy boy vs girl girl for a few min and totally got pwned!! sehhh this shows that star wars nerds are not suited for badminton at all hahaha we only know how to weild lightsabers!!
after that went for dinner at this nice beijing noodle n xiaolongbao (again!) stall! peiyu was like tour guide bring us to many nice places! then we just nice made it into the restaurant before a whole mass of ppl came and queued up outside! ate zha jiang mian very naisse! and xlb was okay, soft skin. and red bean pancake!! UPS! like hum chee peng! okay laimeng don't like red bean hahahaha. then we started talking bout foods that she likes and I don't like! okay lahh but lucky im not very picky. actually shes also quite shui bian one so im happy! sent peiyu home and benny to church, then we went to tom n toms behind amara to study! its open 24 hrs and it sells huge mega thick toasts omg and not very ex also!! I wanna eat it one day! apparently its brought in from korea! and they have pretzels like bigger than auntie anne's kind! but we only bought a cookies n cream tomncinno (I think that's what they call it, like a frappucino). not bad, but laimeng thinks its like melted ice cream haha! okay I would like to try green tea latte one day! and they have this weird device that they give when u place ur order. then I guess we're supposed to bring the thing back to our table and wait for it to BUZZ then go over to the counter to collect our drink hahaha. but I didn't know what the buzzer thing was for so I brought it back to our table again after collecting the drink! then like damn long later like I think half an hour, it started buzzing and we were stunned lol! yes so moral of the story: return the buzzer after u collect ur drink!
yesss happy dayy! emo friends, don't emo already!!
sorry folks for not blogging for super longgg! yeahhh and finally an non-emo post! im really tired like a dog now but i owe this! :p
hmm yeahh anyone watched eat, pray, love yet? hahaha thought it would be nice but turned out quite ermmmmssss.. boring? though the hand language was pretty funny hahaha! watched it with mengsss thursday night! went to vivo after sch but the show was super latee and we reached home like almost 1?? sehhh man! then ended up not going sch on fri morning haha what a slacker!
then friday we went to orchard central to collect nike race pack with austen and jieying. and saw like many random doods there, including crocs boy HAHAHA! laimeng's best friend! and saw this pageant thing which seemed to consist solely of a certain special group of people only. and lady gaga impersonation was hilarious!! ooh lala! yeah and i just remembered all the freaking anyhow reckless drivers we have in the cbd. dumbassesssss! yess and i suddenly got reminded of how banglas like to happy happy talk on their phone and walk IN FRONT of my car when im about to turn out of the little lane from my house into the main road. like duhhh are they dumb or what dunno how to walk BEHIND. and do u notice that they always appear super busy like 24/7 on the phone. WHO THE TOOOT ARE THEY TALKING TO ALL THE TIME AH?? walk along the road, talking. cycle on the road, still talking. sit on the bench in the park, also talking. sehhh! okay sidetracked, back to fridays stuff! after collecting race pack, went with mengs to beach road to buy random stuff for my sat ahem thing which i dunno if i can blog about! if u know then u know! and ate nice beef noodles at beach road. and laimeng was stunned when i ordered one more giant claypot rice! we didnt finish it hahaha. then from there we went to church for cg! oh and i think sometime during the day (or night), some asshole reversed his car/van/lorry into my front bumper and drove off. like when i wasnt in the car and the guy probably was trying to park or something then bang and run off. SLUTTT! quite sad when i discovered the dent and cuts saturday morning. walaoeh why so many assholes in singapore one!
and i went back to camp on saturday too and saw many old friends. and realised actually i didnt have to go down. sehh some superior probably made some mistake and called me back for nothing! anw i ended in the evening and i was supposed to have dinner with army friends but apparently they didnt like the idea of eating in number 4 so it got canceled. and i met laimeng for dinner at tpy hehe! then i went home to bathe, and she played MW2 HAHA! proness! i think her aiming damn accurate la! benny also say so! yeahh and we visited austen's house! then went to udders with the other happy couple hahaha! yum yum had strawberry fields with some rocky road thing on a waffle! and austen was complaining bout some bitch fat scoopy who gave like really bad attitude to him but later she was caught flirting with another fatty man. oh ya and we met chunsiong and sherry there haha! aiya SO SAD the rest of booza couldnt come lorrrssss! how long nv see them alr! guess everyone's caught up in their busy little lives. also havent met nine for super longgg! with the exception of peiyu, cos i just met her today haha!
ogay! today i went to film this thing with benny and shawn. it was yiqin who was asking us to help out in her video. we were supposed to act as like 100m sprinters representing different schools la. think i shouldnt say too much here also haha. but we did many many takes of us holding our pose at the starting block (its totally not as easy as it looks! my fingers almost broke la its like supporting ur whole body weight on ur toes and fingers only?!) and we had to sprint up, walk back do another take of sprinting etc. like interval training sia! shag like a dog!! hahaha! feel damn fit now lols. benny siao one yesterday swim 100 laps still go run today. after filming, i sent shawn back to tpy (his 2nd home haha) and benny followed me home to bathe. not together dont worry :p then went to vivo to meet limpeiyu! hahaha gave her the meowmeow night cap! yay for more imaginary friends! and she gave me a damn cute darth vader small soft toy key chain!! *jedi mind trick: credits will do fine!* ok that was an inside joke i dont think anyone understands that haha! and i gave peiyu a star wars 101 tutorial! like what on earth is a stormtrooper! i ate at soup spoon with banny then we went to honeymoon dessert to have a honeymoon haha! no la! we went there with peiyu for awhile, then went to macs cos we wanted to play monopoly deal! and didnt go kim gary cos of long queue! sorry peiyyu i know uve been thinking of french toast for forever! nvm we go prata soon! and caramel waffle is heavenly! after sending them home, i met mengys to pass her a waffle from piu and picked up my sis from tpy! LONG DAY! and i still havent done my tutorial. gg.
gotta crash now! shagggggggggggggggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzz my eyes are like maybe 1mm open now hahaha goodnight!
crazy-ass running all over the place today. had to send my car to a workshop and some ulu ang mo kio industrial park like early in the morning. then had to take a long bus ride back. haha funny thing was inside the workshop all the other vehicles were taxis. hmmmm says alot about taxi drivers?? slacked awhile before heading out again to hatched to meet gnemial for brunch and to study after. haha we stuffed ourselves! okay i think only i stuffed myself lah cos she kept feeding me :p was supposed to study till 5plus but then stunner just after half an hour she got called to give tuition right away! so shifted to thomson plaza and attempted a few of my online tutorial questions in starbucks. while she was dying (i think,) giving tuition. and it was those outdoor ones where i was sitting under a tent structure and it started pouring omg what happened to my luck! :( but rained stopped just nice before her tuition ended siall hahaha. then chionged for the NEXT tuition. siao one 2 tuitions in 1 day can die!! followed her there before i took a bus myself to the workshop again to collect the car. haha i had to trust my instinct as to which bus stop to alight cos the bus aircon was seriously spammeddddd and the windows were all frosty and i couldnt see where i was lol! and my instinct was wrong! damnn hahahaha! mengss called me a joke! yeahh stopped a stop too early so had to walk extra fast to the workshop. the mechanic all secretly f1 drivers one sia! inside there the road so narrow but when they went to collect the car for me, they zoom zoomed through the narrow path like entering f1 pit like that haha! yay shiny new coat of black paint!
that was a mega paragraph hahaha good luck reading it. anyway, the weepies!!! (yes i got the new album haha peiyu u dont need pass me already!)
Well I know that life is hard,
you make it all right
And I know how dark you get
late in the night
I'm gonna add my effort to you
I'm gonna add my effort to you
Try and love you
You feel wronged by everything
that hasn't been right
Why can't we sit and watch TV
'til late in the night?
Oh don't take it away, oh don't take it away
When it's dark you say it is
because there's no light
And though it's not I'll say it is
I'll say it's all right
oh yeahhh i wanted to share awesome new songs! brandon flowers is from the killers, if u recognize his voice!
love acoustic recordings! and got random 2 hot backup vocalists hahaha! think the one with specs hotter rightttttt :p
ahahha shit im spamming videos okayyy but i really like hard enough and magdalena best!
i just went for a run just now! ahha the last time i ran was last week at the army half marathon! went to run with kevin! haha not exactly shag like a dog! ok lah not bad i think my timing is like 2:10? sama sama la.
been an awesome week with lai mengmengmengmengs! hahaha i rmb she even gave me morning call at 6am on friday to make sure i go for lecture! so sweet right! :)
went on a foodie adventure this week siallll! can go see meng's blog for pictures! stomach become bigger, wallet become smaller haha! sehhh!
on monday i went with her to listen to interesting gospel stufff! rushed down from sch after tutorial to pick her from tuition then went to bukit timah to eat at five-star before going to the condo! learnt lots of interesting stuff ehh! why no one follow me up last time one! but then again, i probably wouldnt have been interested or wouldnt understand last time also.
sent peiyu off on tuesday. haha oh ya cos i didnt have lab anymore on tuesday (YAYNESSSS!) so i went swimming with my mama (ok no she's actually my girlfriend haha). then we saw this bbq chicken wingsss at clementi which looked really tempting haha! must go one day! really proud of mengs ehh haha swimming like a pro already! then we picked up kevin, then went to peiyu's house where kevin shouted her name super loudly haha! and we were all eggcited to see the famous tree growing from the well HAHA! her mum called me yong zhao again! zoomed to airport and sat at dome while waiting. rong zoomed down after her tutorial too. and peiyu sneakily left 1 goodwood park durian mooncake in my car when she left!! (haha im secretly happy!!) it was crazy niceeee! okay maybe those of u lucky ppl who have eaten home's favourite before probably think its no fight, but i havent had any durian mooncake at all this whole mooncake season! okay in fact ive only had 1 normal lotus paste with yolk kinda mooncake this whole season! until the goodwood one! weehee we happily opened it on the way home at took bites out of it!
and then on wed we were very gian to study so we went to mug at novena with aussie and jieying! and omg stunner while studying at this open air area between starbucks and texas chicken at united square, we heard *SQUEAK SQUEAK* then i heard laimeng scream something i dunno what then she put her legs up on the chair! then i quickly looked at the floor just in time to see A RAT run from under our table into a pillar beside us! YUCKSSSS! jieying said she felt it run across her leg! lucky she wore shoes sia hahahaha! omgggg disgustinggg ehh.
on thurs, mengs had ifg training at jurong east in the eveining. and i had some spare time after lecture so i asked benny if he was free and yup! havent visited his hall since he moved in, so i went all the way to ntu to visit! we went jurong point and mengs came after her training tooo! i misss bennnny my mistress hahaha! oh yaa mr ong our driving instructor (he taught me, benny and is now teaching mengs too!) says benny is "tok gong" hahahaha so funny! oh ya random mr ong says me and mengs have "husband wife face" and at first thought shes my sis sial haha! funny lah he!
went for cellgroup with mengs on fri! haha every day got exciting thing with her one! and saturday was IFG! hahaha okayy im a lousy boyfriend cos i missed her exciting match against medicine :((( sehhh! but still proud of her for all the effort put in! and for really believing! went for lunch with her teammates and they all quite funny one. like ivan la the PR king haha! and got teddy bear some more. they all quite beechy one some more hahaha i like! the engin players siao one seriously! got one wear high socks super stunner la that one hahahaha nasssty! and got shameless guy who keeps smacking to girls also yucks.
after IFG we were damn shagged. ok i think mengs is like tired x100 of me la haha. just ko-ed in the yih student lounge. and i was panicking about my RT booking, more about that later. yeahh and we were supposed to meet her friends to celebrate andrew's birthday at central clarke quay. and they were lateeeeee. but okay la im not complaining haha. ate at this ups ups place! quite good value for the amount we paid, just that it would be better if we shared amongst more ppl cos its too much cannot finish! i really eat until my stomach become twice its normal size ahh haha! and waraku got ladies night which gives 100% cashback vouchers! i wanna be a lady hahaha! random!
oh yeahh about RT. okay lah main thing is im probably starting rt in december. and its 2 months long. darnnn. for the 1st month it will be twice a week, one weekday and one weekend. then 2nd month is thrice weekly, 2 weekdays and 1 weekend. hope i can still go holiday end of december ehh. hmmm. hope i can quickly pass my ippt then can stop even better!
ok its late! shall sleepp! shit lah i just realised i must do LSM essay evaluations by tuesday night! sucksssssssssssssssss.
fml im in sch on a saturday! and the title explains what im doing here haha. need coffeeeeee!
i love hum cheee peng!!!!!! hahaha random!
mengss came with me to church this morning! 2nd time going! and haha pastor announced her name as a new visitor :) and he remembers her! and yayy she bought me hum chee peng my fav this morning too! we gobbled down breakfast on the way to church haha! then like alot of ppl said her bag was nice. heheh good buy!
went sims ave for lunch and i went one big round just to get there hahaha. and my dad started talking alot again :p and tried to teach laimeng how to swim and blow bubbles hahahahah!
and... on friday we had the rainbow stayover! at the amara! was supposed to go project x in sch but we didnt. haha heard that it turned out sucky anyways. okay stayover with ahmeng, aussie jieying and sharon and wilson! haha the TD group! and smarty mengs thought of this idea to assign us all colours of the rainbow so we will look like rainbow when we take pictures hahaha! mengs lent me her S house tshirt!
went tpy to have popeyes too! and while walking there we saw phua chu kang filming an advert in front of courts haha! he posed for a picture which is on mengs' phone! then we reached hotel earliest hahaha. sounds nastyyy we go hotel! took lots of pictures! jumped around on the bed till 1 corner broke haha! and went to the poolside and saw the spa! *gasp* they were showing a video of a topless woman's boobs while she was being massaged serious!! and we spent some time debating whether it was a guy or girl hahaha! we just camwhored most of the time and watched abit of the matrix haha. didnt play cards at all in the end.
haha this pic looks like hmmmm.. i dont know how to describe it! oh ya and i must say the bed wasnt broken by me ok hahaha although im the fattyboys president still! i think was either austen or jieying!
this is supposed to look like a rainbow haha!
girls cant resist taking photos in the toilet :p
and i guess this is whats gonna happen to me if i have an affair next time: kicked in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you look closely.. ________________!
haha this is damn funny! at the lift lobby there some more!
okay thats it for stayover! then we went engin bash the next day! cos alex was pageant contestant. haha then got a stupid chinaman go call his whole country come down his support him walaozzz! and the emcees super fail la! omg got ppl throw things on their head some more lol! and got one stunner guy suddenly after the lucky draw prizes were announced, he went up the stage and took the mike and confessed his love for some random girl OMG!! ULTIMATE MAN!! HAHAHAHA! siao one! then he come out flower and give ring some more! sehhhhhhhhhhhh! joke of the century!
love this pic on top! :)
mr fabulous! haha wonder what that means!
more camwhoring in the car with my red face..
smelling tofu?? HAHA!
yeay happy happy weekend! next week going for peiyu's concert! and tuesday gonna watch movie with booza i think. and army half marathon is coming soon! sehhh! and i havent booked my RT ARGH! good night everyone! ntu ppl, sch is starting! good luck in the island! :P
helloooooooooo i finally finished my freakin stem cell essay! so im happy like a bird now! okay i havent blogged in ages. havent blogged about my wonderful birthday surprise and gifts :))))))))) and triple date and meetup with nine! and and arts bash! AND MAGNIFICENT PURPLE BOOK heehee i loveeeeeee!
well, 19 august started with a happy breakfast at macs with mengmeng. cos i was given a choice of a) wake up early or b) wake up late and i chose option A hahaha. after bf we went to get some yummy chicken rice for her mum cos her mum was craving it. and i ate some and it was goooood! from bishan!
went to sch at like 1pm i think cos mengs said she needed to meet house ICs. (until now i still dunno if it was part of the surprise plan or really got house ICs meeting hahaha!) but the surprise was really stunner la! went to coop to find textbooks then got the textbook alr but she wanted to hang around the coop longer and i didnt even suspect anything. then suddenly bring me up to the windy place and i saw sharon austen and jieying but also didnt think of anything. until daniu and dave popped out i think with the cake haha! austen damn funny kept trying to distract me by asking me for my matric card to go collect nussu welfare diary.
then the chem eng doods surprised me during lecture tooo! our lecture tradition they call it. always bday celebration during the 1hr break between lecture hahaha. then after that we went to olive cove cafe to cut cake and sing song and the auntie even gave me a free ice milo! hehhh.
then went for sakura international buffet at shaw plaza! heheh old fav hangout place. but its nicely decorated and the food its niceee. nice smooth sashimi hehehe. and baked oysters. erm what else huhhh!
we ate raw prawns.....
and finished off with alot of dessert and durian hahah!
okay time for presents.. got my first present from benny the night before my birthday but i couldnt wait to open it! i sense a disturbance in the force muahahaha!
and then after meeting mengs at breakfast i got a prettttay brown sling bag! yayssss new bag! and i thought that was all but NO, there was still the most boomz part 2 of the present! which i think really deserve 100 points for effort and 100 points for prettiness! its the magnificent purple book! hahaha <3333 mengssss for putting in so much effort and really dropping alot of hair i think making this book so wonderfully pretty and happy! i feel happy everytime reading it!
and i love the drawings! and if ur wondering why there's a paddington bear.. haha!
little green thing!
YAYYY! then we had our triple date with the usual 5 plus wilson! cycling at east coast! on tandem bike! my first time tandem bike cycling! poor mengs got a few accidents but it didnt dampen our mood! ok but first, i got another surprise when i got a little paddington bear bag from them! hahahaha! paddingteon cos i recently bought this jacket which looks like the one paddington is wearing! no pics tho cos they havent uploaded! not on my camera!
cycling was funnnn! we cycled down to fort road, then to the other end of ecp reaching changi beach! and stopped at the east coast hawker there for some food and returned our bikes really late! heheh lots of stunts happened along the way. like mengs and sharon kept passing the camera to each other while wilson and i were peddling furiously. adrenaline rush everytime the camera changed hands man! almost langga!
love this pic!
oh ya and we all agreed to wear singlet to school that day (it was a friday) and it was like damn chui la! but nvm. even alfred asked me not to act hot hahahah! wear singlet = act hot?? sharon zipped up her jacket the whole day after alfred said that comment to me. and little mengs even more jialat must walk around arts wearing that also hahaha! in case u didnt know, arts ppl dress x100 better than engin (supposedly).
and while got random ppl commented "wah today alot of couples hor" hahaha! and another one said "wah today got red bull or heineken cycling team ah"!
the girls!
red bull!
stunt of the day!! but u wouldnt wanna know what happened just after this photo got captured..
and we started camwhoring after returning the bikes too. took lots of jumpshots heheheh! and laimeng goes "3, 2, 1.. dont jump, jump!"
HAHA so cuteeee!
blocking my face :( haha!
bunny ears!
yup that sums up the TD. on to arts bash! met the newly formed couple (haha!) and hasan at astons for dinner first before going to zouk. we cheated them of 3 pieces of chicken cos jieying's chicken always wasnt cooked properly! and we went and little speccy guy won mr popular and mr personality HAHA! so sad mengmeng's idol nv win anything eh :p but yeah ok he has a nice stomach haha! dont sad ok my stomach also quite nice!
and we camwhored jumpshots AGAIN with self timer camera placed on the car after the bash! HAHA obsessed with jumpshots. ohh actually the idea of putting the camera on the car started when i parked the car before meeting them at astons. cos littlemengs was wearing pretty clothes so we had to take photo! so we placed the camera on the car dashboard and stood like at the wall opposite the car damn funny! but it turned out not bad!
instant photo when we entered zouk!
atika with her avatar face!
check out my sexy underwear in this one.. huhhuh! austen looks like he's doing some groovy dance.
mengs looks shocked!
and the shitting pose!
yayyy! and oh ya see the colour code! we're all blue except for aussieee hahaha!
ohmyyyy i nv blogged so much before i think! happy like bird!!
hehehe i think ur internet browser's lagging now cos too many pics! so shall stop here! celebrating a little elephant's birthday!! :))
<3 mengs!