Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
come on sister
hehe lets start with yesterday! I stupidly made a reservation to the wrong restaurant hahaha! what a dumbasss! then went in to this place which looks quite ups then we were like the only chapalang kids there. then laimeng ate peanuts some more alr hahah but I told them we wanted to shift over. haha lucky the staff was nice about it. but I think mengs wanted to kill me cos I deprived her of her ee-fu mian hahaha! next time k I promise! must wear nicer go also haha! then some more had to wait quite long to enter the colourful xlb place! the xlb quite exxxx! but the flavours quite unique. hmmm actually generally the texture of the skin and meat all nicer than crystal jade one! I like the crab one which laimeng says tastes like fish hahaha. and zha jiang mian was naisee! not too much noodles too! then I had green tea shaved ice thingy. hahaha its like exactly the same as what the og ppl ate 2 days ago! yeah qiyang and his first hot date hahaha I hope he doesn't see this oh myyyy im using new windows live writer now and it auto corrects doesnt to doesn't and the :p into
!! cool huh!
and we've been supporting dave's fund raising sales the past 2 days ehh. bought many cups of gong cha already and even a packet of metal eggsss! woohoo taiwan food nice! oh yes randomm I like comebuy at toapayoh!
met peiyu and benny for badminton at super ulu tanjong pagar cc today after schh. and peiyu bought a tube of DUCK FEATHERS shuttlecock not bad! thankssss lifesaver if not we would be hitting air with our rackets and peiyu is damn slyyy keep whacking shuttlecocks into my faceee and boobs and just ME in general!!
then benny followed her example and started shooting me also! hahaha lucky mengs helped me bully benny back yeay! okay im the most useless dood there. and we played dodgecock for awhile hahaha! dodgecock cos its like dodgeball but with shuttle cocks. sehhh then after that we played boy boy vs girl girl for a few min and totally got pwned!! sehhh this shows that star wars nerds are not suited for badminton at all hahaha we only know how to weild lightsabers!!
after that went for dinner at this nice beijing noodle n xiaolongbao (again!) stall! peiyu was like tour guide bring us to many nice places! then we just nice made it into the restaurant before a whole mass of ppl came and queued up outside! ate zha jiang mian very naisse! and xlb was okay, soft skin. and red bean pancake!! UPS! like hum chee peng! okay laimeng don't like red bean hahahaha. then we started talking bout foods that she likes and I don't like! okay lahh but lucky im not very picky. actually shes also quite shui bian one so im happy! sent peiyu home and benny to church, then we went to tom n toms behind amara to study! its open 24 hrs and it sells huge mega thick toasts omg and not very ex also!! I wanna eat it one day! apparently its brought in from korea! and they have pretzels like bigger than auntie anne's kind! but we only bought a cookies n cream tomncinno (I think that's what they call it, like a frappucino). not bad, but laimeng thinks its like melted ice cream haha! okay I would like to try green tea latte one day! and they have this weird device that they give when u place ur order. then I guess we're supposed to bring the thing back to our table and wait for it to BUZZ then go over to the counter to collect our drink hahaha. but I didn't know what the buzzer thing was for so I brought it back to our table again after collecting the drink! then like damn long later like I think half an hour, it started buzzing and we were stunned lol! yes so moral of the story: return the buzzer after u collect ur drink!
yesss happy dayy! emo friends, don't emo already!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
im still a slut!
sorry folks for not blogging for super longgg! yeahhh and finally an non-emo post! im really tired like a dog now but i owe this! :p
hmm yeahh anyone watched eat, pray, love yet? hahaha thought it would be nice but turned out quite ermmmmssss.. boring? though the hand language was pretty funny hahaha! watched it with mengsss thursday night! went to vivo after sch but the show was super latee and we reached home like almost 1?? sehhh man! then ended up not going sch on fri morning haha what a slacker!
then friday we went to orchard central to collect nike race pack with austen and jieying. and saw like many random doods there, including crocs boy HAHAHA! laimeng's best friend! and saw this pageant thing which seemed to consist solely of a certain special group of people only. and lady gaga impersonation was hilarious!! ooh lala! yeah and i just remembered all the freaking anyhow reckless drivers we have in the cbd. dumbassesssss! yess and i suddenly got reminded of how banglas like to happy happy talk on their phone and walk IN FRONT of my car when im about to turn out of the little lane from my house into the main road. like duhhh are they dumb or what dunno how to walk BEHIND. and do u notice that they always appear super busy like 24/7 on the phone. WHO THE TOOOT ARE THEY TALKING TO ALL THE TIME AH?? walk along the road, talking. cycle on the road, still talking. sit on the bench in the park, also talking. sehhh! okay sidetracked, back to fridays stuff! after collecting race pack, went with mengs to beach road to buy random stuff for my sat ahem thing which i dunno if i can blog about! if u know then u know! and ate nice beef noodles at beach road. and laimeng was stunned when i ordered one more giant claypot rice! we didnt finish it hahaha. then from there we went to church for cg! oh and i think sometime during the day (or night), some asshole reversed his car/van/lorry into my front bumper and drove off. like when i wasnt in the car and the guy probably was trying to park or something then bang and run off. SLUTTT! quite sad when i discovered the dent and cuts saturday morning. walaoeh why so many assholes in singapore one!
and i went back to camp on saturday too and saw many old friends. and realised actually i didnt have to go down. sehh some superior probably made some mistake and called me back for nothing! anw i ended in the evening and i was supposed to have dinner with army friends but apparently they didnt like the idea of eating in number 4 so it got canceled. and i met laimeng for dinner at tpy hehe! then i went home to bathe, and she played MW2 HAHA! proness! i think her aiming damn accurate la! benny also say so! yeahh and we visited austen's house! then went to udders with the other happy couple hahaha! yum yum had strawberry fields with some rocky road thing on a waffle! and austen was complaining bout some bitch fat scoopy who gave like really bad attitude to him but later she was caught flirting with another fatty man. oh ya and we met chunsiong and sherry there haha! aiya SO SAD the rest of booza couldnt come lorrrssss! how long nv see them alr! guess everyone's caught up in their busy little lives. also havent met nine for super longgg! with the exception of peiyu, cos i just met her today haha!
ogay! today i went to film this thing with benny and shawn. it was yiqin who was asking us to help out in her video. we were supposed to act as like 100m sprinters representing different schools la. think i shouldnt say too much here also haha. but we did many many takes of us holding our pose at the starting block (its totally not as easy as it looks! my fingers almost broke la its like supporting ur whole body weight on ur toes and fingers only?!) and we had to sprint up, walk back do another take of sprinting etc. like interval training sia! shag like a dog!! hahaha! feel damn fit now lols. benny siao one yesterday swim 100 laps still go run today. after filming, i sent shawn back to tpy (his 2nd home haha) and benny followed me home to bathe. not together dont worry :p then went to vivo to meet limpeiyu! hahaha gave her the meowmeow night cap! yay for more imaginary friends! and she gave me a damn cute darth vader small soft toy key chain!! *jedi mind trick: credits will do fine!* ok that was an inside joke i dont think anyone understands that haha! and i gave peiyu a star wars 101 tutorial! like what on earth is a stormtrooper! i ate at soup spoon with banny then we went to honeymoon dessert to have a honeymoon haha! no la! we went there with peiyu for awhile, then went to macs cos we wanted to play monopoly deal! and didnt go kim gary cos of long queue! sorry peiyyu i know uve been thinking of french toast for forever! nvm we go prata soon! and caramel waffle is heavenly! after sending them home, i met mengys to pass her a waffle from piu and picked up my sis from tpy! LONG DAY! and i still havent done my tutorial. gg.
gotta crash now! shagggggggggggggggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzz my eyes are like maybe 1mm open now hahaha goodnight!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
He's Sleeping Like A Dog!
I mean a dog.
He's sleeping like a dog.
I'm damn bored and I've got nothing to do because I'm at his house and he refused to wake up to entertain me.
So I came to tell people how doggish he is!!!