I love to eat my poop yay! 
okay im blogging now! but I cant rmb much of what happened last week already sehhh! but can see laimengs blog for a lot of pictures! hahaha. yesterday I went to collect my stand chart race pack from expo. mengs was supposed to go with me then we were planning to study at changi after that, but I decided to just go myself and save her the trouble of travelling to and fro! haha oh ya cos I didn't drive. yeahh its one of the few times I don't drive eh. but don't worry im not a spoilt brat or what, I still know how to take bus and mrt ok! anw latest news, someone just got a car too hahaha!
and oh yeah I let benny drive my car I think 2 weeks ago? hahaha just like in phuket.
yesss and yesterday after collecting race pack I went to meet laimeng at novena to muggg. and saw kumlong at tully's. but we went donut factory to study hahaha. kumlong says "wait become fat like austen" LOL austen fat meh? anw mengs loved the mushroom pasta there hahaha we had it for lunch and dinner! the double choc donut sucks tho. seriously like negative 9 upon 10. ultra fail. cos the chocolate glaze on top was hard and flaky and the inside chocolate filling was not oozing out kind. it was more like a lump of chocolate chips that melted and hardened and stuck together like that. if u know what I mean. sehh!
and pontian at united square is damn ex! pls patronise the one at toa payoh instead! hahaha!
so yeah I opened the stand chart goodie bag and its really way better than sundown goodie bag!
got a bottle of silkbath hahaha which I gave mengs! and lots of 1-for-1 food vouchers. and even a FREE NETS FLASHPAY CARD! but of course inside no value lah must ownself top up. but the design is like limited ed sia hahaha ok cheap thrill! and the singlet is x100 nicer than last yr's stand chart hahaha! maybe +50 points since its branded by asics instead of new balance. ogay anw the run is 5th december (someone's bday) morning at 5am (SEHHH!) means I must wake up at 3am! starts at orchard near wheelock, and ends at padang there. so hmmm if I rmb correctly there will be free shuttle service from the end point to the start point (cos our bags will be deposited there). so yeahh I expect lots of sweaty and smelly ppl sharing the bus with me back. or rather I would be a major contributor of sweat and smell to the bus too. and inside the goodie bag got the encouragement note thing which I can pin to the back of my singlet. supposed to write a note of encouragement to fellow runners la haha so they can see my behind while running. maybe I can write "call 12345678 for free sex!!" or something hahaha then ppl will try to memorize my number while running then they will stay behind me and not overtake me. or they might get too excited and trip and fall down HAHA! that's quite an imagination.
and should I go for another 42km next yr???? sundownnnnn. registration early bird open liaosss! I think I will join either full or half marathon. got 10k category also so friends pls join with me hahaha!