hmm rong just reminded me of more banana jokes. haha during bio lect the teacher mentioned something bout bats peeing before they take off to fly. then me and seb were talking bout bats always appearing outside our houses. i mean really i do see bats hanging upside down on my car porch at night!! and sebas said "bats always come and eat my bananas!!" hahahahahahaha.
and yesterday went to watch hockey against aj. haha win 1-0 but damn i could have been part of that team ok. cheeeee i got cheated by stupid trials. what only gave me 1 min on the pitch of course u wont be able to see my proness right!! and stupid boots had to spoil on that day. and and i still clearly rmb the night before SOMEBODY was rushing me with some ahem project stuff then i had to sleep so late so of course on the big day i was off form la. anyway yesterday haha plaster boy and his classmates were at the game too! and saw a 1st 3 mths friend haha.
and chem prac yesterday was funny ok!! she was telling us how to do the skill A prac. "the CO2 evolved how is it going to go inside the limewater? u put direction sign say CO2 pls move right into the test tube ah? of course u must specifiy use delivery tube lah!"
haha oh yea and since elections is coming and since i rarely post pictures, here is why u should vote for chiam see tong:

HEHE. ok dont slam me for political blogging (is this counted?!?!) btw i dont support any party. only uthers party! hahaha.
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