havent come online for awhile yes i know u all miss me hahaaha!
shit after 20 seconds i still cant rmb what happened this week.
OH! okay most importantly sa won rugby hahaha take that u rj fags!! haha i totally dont regret going down to support the match at all. altho wasnt sure at first. its like once in a lifetime kinda thing. the excitement and stuff u know.. ermmm perhaps thats what they call school spirit hahaha yea perhaps. hehe gotta thank rong for pangsehing odac at first. and renling who went too. rong managed to cope one of her friends class bus there. yeah then dunno why the bus also got a few other random ppl!! anyway oh yes i rmb we reached there feeling hungry like shit cos we all didnt eat anything the whole day. except somebody la then still complain so much hahaha! anyway sat down just as some jj match was ending. (hehe jj got pwned) then suddenly joan came shouting "j2 house com members pls come in front to cheer!!" arghghgh haha totally unexpected but what to do. yes so stood in front the whole game supposedly leading cheers but i think i was quite useless there hahaha but thats not the pt. at least got to stand nearer to the field haha! wasnt very exciting at first. i was stoning there la! malcolm got us the 1st 3 pts i think. must be really pressurising taking kicks la hahaha i think if i was there i will just miss it totally. yeah then after that we were 10-3 down. until we realised that match was gonna end soon and everything became more tense i guess. haha last minute win!! really cheering like some idiot towards the end. haha then when the final whistle blew everyone rushed onto the field. really reminds me of when sas won acs during sec4 that time!! we all chionged onto the field also and everyone was crazy hahah and ppl were crying and stuff. its DAM COOL!! hehe then the next day arthur's face was on the papers :p anyway gotta say i think this win was well deserved yay! er zi zhe bian you wei zi hahaha!!
okay what next? oh yes went to watch sa vs vj soccer the next day too. despite the tons of work i had waiting for me at home. had to study physics spa, ionic eqm test, maths tut, chem tut. haha but anyway went ccab to watch the soccer. i think the basket referee is biased man. anyhow give yellow card and give them penalty what the. and the vj teacher/coach person is so extra man. small things he also go and raise hands and start shouting like a faggot. but the vj defence dam tight. well wish them luck for 3rd placing anyway!!
argh today physics spa is sooooooo screwed. we were told the topic is on oscillations. yea came out oscillations. but what kind of question is this: vibration of a loaded beam. WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT?? haha u try bending a ruler and letting go. yea thats a vibration of a beam. how to measure the oscillation like that?? it will only oscillate for maybe at most 2 seconds la dammit. oh well its over anyway. screwed just like chem spa.
oh ya today got ictalent in school also. wanted to go but couldnt cos of chinese tuition. man.
okay some RANDOM thoughts: i think it isnt fair to bring down other ppl for the sake of making oneself look better or more perfect or whatever. thats simply decieving yourself. OKAY im out thats it better nt write too much. sorry for being such a spoiler ending on such a toot note. anyway CHEER UP its just random thoughts.
shit its almost 3 and why do i hear the sound of water dripping from my toilet arghghgh so freaky bye i think i better run!! hahahahaha june is approaching and so is korea. and june means lots of time for swimming hahahaha.
oh house com gathering later today! i think hose should have a hose outing again!! (remember the candy empire outing haha so piggish but fun)
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