Some claim to have the fortitude
To shrewd to blow the interlude
Sustaining pain to set a mood
Step out to be renewed
whew managed to get the keyboard back hehehe through sly tactics. its a trade secret so im not gonna say how. trade secret means u gotta trade for it!!??
okay anyway last weekend was too slick i mean sick to blog. was running a high fever and no thanks to the WONDERFUL SINGAPORE WEATHER AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR WHICH IS SOO IRRITATING. and all i did was eat breakfast, sleep and soak the bed/sofa with sweat, wake up eat lunch, sleep and soak the bed/sofa (whichever is not soaked yet) etc. i mean with a life like this, who needs to worry bout retirement funds?!?! HHAHA. OK la its not a laughing matter cos i was really feeling like shit ok. u know its bad when say something like that cos...i said its bad. huhu.
SO, "ponned" school although its not exactly what i call pon but i dont understand why oh why kevin said that i pang seh "them". ermm i dunno who he was referring to and i dono why not going to school is called pang seh but maybe its just a wrong interpretation on my part which may be why i got a t.w.e.n.t.y.f.o.u.r for gp alright. LAUGHT AT ME COME ON.
listening compre on tues was surprisingly hard. i got 2 questions wrong!!! hehe whining again. and peiyu drew this pig thing which was suppose to impersonate the purple pig u see at the corner of my blog. BUT she thought the name was GAY SPAT!!! hahahaha!
ok and yesterday went for the ns medical thing after i left sch at 1245. which was a total waste of time ok. the thing they used to punch a hole in the fingertip to draw blood is realllyy painful!!!!! and then i think the guy who drew blood from my elbow there is a noob cos its like still bruised now ok. and quite exciting cos its the first time i did urine test hahaha!!! not what i expected though. now they just ask u dip a strip of paper (like those perfume tester kind) into a bottle of ur pee and show them. ermmmm maybe my pee can become a new perfume fragrance?? OK THAT WAS LAME. and one of the last stations was the one u gotta strip naked one. of course i had no problem with that one la! my only problem was that the queue for that station was sooooo long. and its not long cos there were lots of ppl. only 10 ppl in front of me but each person took ages to do their checkup. and maybe its cos quite a few of them were ahem pretty overweight and one part of the checkup they ask u to bend down and touch your toes (when u're naked. i dont know why hahaha). and maybe they simply had their stomach in the way haha! ok but the most irritating part was when i was at the last station, they say "sorry not enough time to complete your last test cos it will take 1-1half hour. so u gotta come back another day. weekday only sorry." wah so irritating ok it was only 4 oclock at that time and they wanted to go home at 5 exactly i bet. basket make me go all the way down again this morning to sit for some dumb iq test.
it was really a dumb test ok. got maths qns (without calculator some more and no paper for rough working). i do until my head pain. and english and retarded number sequences. and some pictures thingy. simply put it was really draggy. but those guys that do have a wierd sense of humour i tell u. one part they wanted to test my memory skills. u know they flash some numbers on the screen and i had like 2 seconds to memorize them in order. something like 4 9 4 2 5 2 0 8 9. quite crazy i know. i usually go up to only 5th digit haha. then after the numbers disappear, the screen will show some rubbish symbols and nonsense words like
(^%$%#$((((((((( LOOK HERE^%^#^%
^&#^$^**&SHOOT ME&%!$$$%$$$$
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^465234246$333#####etTHIS IS A LAME SHIT ASS WASTING UR TIME QUIZ!!!!!!
hahahaha! yeah im serious ok. except the last one la of course. argh ok the whole quiz took me nearly 2 hours to finish. it was like more of an endurance test rather than iq test la ok.
yay starting to play soccer more. its always fun to have a group of soccer guys in class la i guess. dont know why we didnt have that last year. not that im near good or anything haha. but star striker is leaving aww im damn sad. but wait! he made one last appearance with new shoes too!!! and he made sure we remembered him as he missed more open goals haha. you think your the best at everything. reminds me of yt having the TIME OF HIS LIFE pwning noobies ass at computer games. yeah sure its a way for u to de-stress or whatever but it isnt any great cause for celebration ok. and actually no im not whining about star striker whooping my ass or anything ok. i mean like stop criticising other ppl when you're not even near average yourself alright.
well played tennis too. fun game yea definitely. but the weather among others spoilt the game. and i hadnt fully recovered from the weekend fever so was quite breathless quickly. actually i still dont feel perfectly fit now either. maybe next week we'll see.
anyway i think ive blogged quite long today and the pool is calling me again helloooo talk to the hand ok im gonna sleep.
pussy fish (peiyu) says:
time to sleep
pussy fish says:
#snoring already
beautiful madness (me) says:
1 2 3 sign out
beautiful madness says:
beautiful madness says:
beautiful madness says:
pussy fish says:
beautiful madness says:
yoga instructor
beautiful madness says:
beautiful madness says:
aahas a bye
pussy fish says:
pussy fish says:
pussy fish says:
beautiful madness says:
shit this is never ending
beautiful madness says:
pussy fish says:
i havent go yoga yet!
pussy fish says:
pussy fish says:
it can lose weight
pussy fish says:
beautiful madness says:
ask yoda to yoga
pussy fish says:
beautiful madness says:
pussy fish says:
thats what happened on an msn conversation some time ago. hahahah in the end i think i only off-ed my comp at least 30min after i said the 123 signout hah.
Chitty chitty baby
When your nose is in the nitty gritty
Life could be a little sweet
But life could be a little shitty
What a pity Boston and a kansas city
Looking for a hundred
But you only ever found a fitty
tell me baby - rhcp
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