She said, I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'll start a new life
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather
I think I'll get a lover and fly 'em out to Spain
I think I'll go to Boston
I think that I'm just tired
I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of Sunset
I hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be nice, oh yeah
zeeeeeeeeee haha heard a lame joke from gay hairdresser today. duno why he ask me whether i wear specs or not. then i said yes. then he say aiya dun need wear la just look at green colour relax eye can already. u gimme $5 note green colour i look lah! HAHAH!
bio test was ghey fail fail fail! and yesterday went swimming again with benny. and we saw cue wai hahahaha not bad leh better than the real deal. haha and benny teach me how to front crawl ok i managed to do it after a few laps of practising. damn tiring but cool i should have gone for proficiency test dammit. then went play pool hahaha with cho yau's father. aiya wear specs cannot play properly u know cos when u bend down then the specs are like hanging below ur line of sight u know what i mean? haha ok fine excuses. but somehow it feels like prelims are over already la everyday go out and play play. haiya. so naughtyyyyyyy. oh man i just saw this new song by ronin featuring fiona xie hahahah i wanna get it but no search results!! anyone can help me pls heheh uZAP! oh now there is this new advert by nivea called goodbye cellulite!! looks gd eh, it promises cure for big bottom, thunder thighs and flabby arms hahahahah!
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