sheesh so many things running thru my head the past day or 2! i dont know where to start. sigh and i dont wanna be a spoiler either. totally didnt see it coming! yeah its my fault for being too non-involved in such matters?
anyway things to cheer everyone up!! met jack lau quan feng on friday nighttt at serangoon gardens. haha so much to catch up on since our sispec days! laughed at how i got so worried after losing an ET blade during one of the field camp. and how we used the matador as a bumrest when it rained and the ground was all wet n soggy like shit flavoured yoghurt! and how our whole bunk searched everywhere when we thought our BUNK KEY WENT MISSING! then after a few days jack was folding his admin shorts and WALLA we FOUND THE KEY!! hahahahaha! and found out he is kenneth kum's commander. and shengyang's bmt bunkmate. such a small world! and saw mdm lee when i was there too hahaha!
the starbucks coffee ipod holder courtesy of rong has not failed me yet! i thought it was game over when i walked thru the rain yesterday!
yesterday was AMAZING! blading with kevin, seabass, rong-the-coma-puma, peiyu-and-norbert n her fren jaslyn (who kept laughing at me only cos she thinks im funny when i suddenly say something after keeping quiet for some time?! meaning my jokes are unfunny?? HAHAHA ok il try harder) kevin bladed first time in 10 yrs leh! and there was this part when me and jaslyn were just behind sebas and we went past this random couple while sebas was trying his stunts in front. then i heard the lady say "is that guy trying to do tricks or simply trying to fall??" HAHAH! omg i just realised is this considered blogging bout sebas?!?!? ok i cancel off ur 1 paragraph debt already hehe. yea btw i said i will blog bout sebas cos he call me ah lian haha!
yes i rmb too rong and peiyu! collaborate to steal my slippers heh heh owe u each one paragraph first dont be too happy! and kevin omg u slyylyylylylyl toototootototot owe u 1000 paragraphs for making ALL OF US WALK TO UR CONDO FROM MACS!! hahahaha but i give u discount cos u went up and brought down PING SHUI ice water HEHE!
right after blading went down to tan tock seng to visit an aunt. woah she looked very different leh. didnt know it was so serious. like she shrunk like that. cos she removed her pancreas and i forgot how exactly what the functions of the pancreas are but at least i rmb it helps digest stuff? and produce insulin. hope she gets better soon.
hahah and last night on msn!! laughed like crazy in front of my computer as me n jason recalled all the stupid things that ever happened to us! secondary school was quite a joke! so many joker characters in school la! got muthu hairy ears and how he called this guy MAY when he was actually MAX! HAHAHA in front of the whole level after reccess for not returning the plates to the stall! omg i still rmb that vividly! annd andd the super obvious racism during soccer. everytime we wanna make team, we just say INDIANS vs CHINESE, malay join indians. HAHAHA but it was damn effective!! and beho the pussy gangsta heheheeheh shit im laughing again as i type this!! once he act damn pissed off with us then he turn his back on us and walk away from the court with hands swinging outwards like some pai kia. then suddenly turn around and laugh at us hahahahah!
haha yes i definitely believe i wasnt there in sa by chance!! it was all one big joke!
wow after writing all this stuff i feel like my mood has climbed 1000 times! CHEER UP DUDEs!
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