:( little time left with jason.
spent alot of time today sitting at starbucks talking bout SHIT. literally. hahaha! discussing like which way we should squat on the squat pan, facing the door or the wall. and do u wipe ur ass upwards or downwards? or do u look and check the toilet paper after wiping ur ass? hahaha all this retarded stuffsss. lucky they nv ask who ate shit before :p i was at comcentre looking at the mwg zinc phone. its really huge and i dont like having such a big bulge in my pocket leh. though the qwerty keypad is really tempting. then jason called me over to join him and his drama friend rachel at wisma. haha so i walked all the way over. arthur malcolm and nick came too. then rachel called her friend mindy too, who happened to be nick's band junior. so it was one big gang of ppl which was quite funny! yes talking about shittttt.
i couldnt keep awake in church today. and they had lord's supper some more. i was like dozing off while holding the cup of grape juice in my hand! lucky nv spill on myself. arghhhh damn shag now. i think my eye bags are drooping to the ground already i need garnier!
YAY 11am tmr drrrriivvving!
rabbit rabbit
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