Thursday, March 31, 2011


hehe jimmy eat world is in singapore and they like chicken rice and they queued up at maxwell for that!! hahaha and why would I know that? hmm..

was just telling laimeng if I was in science maybe I would be sci king??? HAHAHAHA shucks I hope the king doesn't stalk my blog. random I just saw him today and waved at him haha. he was invading fass territory. maybe bored of his minions in science?

supposed to go brunch with kev today but thennnn suayness the place closed when we entered "because of the air-con". sianszzzz so we went to strictly pancakes. where they had savoury and I had sweet peanut butter pancakes with nutella and kinder bueno. chocolate overload? haha I think next time just 2 pancakes is enough. with corned beef! hehe.

really glad I have awesome friends. who randomly jio me for brunch hahaha. and benny who jioed me for dimsum just now haha. cos im a sucky friend who didn't jio him for swim today LOL. n00bz me. met ian today tooooo. he asked laimeng to drink coconut and orlang jooo!

and I have been watching outsourced a lot too. finished everything I got already I think. hehehe gupta bollywood dance damn funny! can start on walking dead soon! yayyy actually no I must control myself hahaha.

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