Writing this because the internet bandwidth of my house is being used mostly by my mum (!) and sis streaming their dramas. WARAOS. Hate it. Can't NW. Damnn Korean dramas prease.
Skipped training last night cos of the heavy rain. But crazily went to do sekret training aiseh! So sad next week nobody going with me.
Anw egzams are over hooray! Went for one job interview and I think it went well, but they haven't got back to me yet.
Been playing with phone apps a lot recently hhahaha.

Ok I actually started this post at around 2 in the afternoon. But I went out to swim, haircut etc. And yeat yummeh Poulet cheeken swimming in cream sauce! SO GOOD! And hugeass tiramisu! Tanks foodie Chua for the recommendation!
So sad miss Yip is going away to ma lai xi ya tmr. I'm #foreveralone hahaha.
And the gradtrip group ah. Rewlly too much eh. Y so selfish one waraos. Really leopard cannot change its spots siol.
Hm what to get for Aussiejavacoast's bday?
Must watch Star Trek Into Darkness, cos one must know the emeny hahaha.
Shall spam more food pics and 9gag posts hehehe my favourite pastime!
Baker & COOK yumyumyum
Javier rostissiere (dunno how to spell): pile the salad plate as high as you can!
True story. Collecting bottles ain't making you a man.
HAHA I witnessed this the day I drove through the flooded Aljuneid road. Some idiot trying to be hero and his car stalled in the flood.
Goodnights! Happy end of egzams!
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