Oh, stop crying like that love
Don't wipe away that smile
I can kiss away a tear but not a flood
Smash all your mirrors
I promise you, they lie
Could you see what I see
If your eyes were mine?
Next time you need me click your heels
To be in my arms
There's no place like home
There's nowhere
okk i was pretty bummed that coffee club didnt call me back. hopefully they're still sorting things out? shit i really hope its not ckja. ok i went for the orientation on sunday night and it ended pretty late around 10 plus, so they said they will sort out which outlets we are gonna get posted to and the respective outlets will call us on monday to confirm n stuff. but no, no calls yet whatsoever dammit. anyway the orientation went pretty well. and i received the uniform and apron, name tag and cashier card some more already so i thought it means im in! hahaha the uniform is mandarin collar! yay me and benny like :) and at first everyone didnt know how to wear the apron and we looked damn cock! including me! and at the end of the orientation, they gave us a few dishes to sample. started with caesar salad, which came in an edible cheese basket! then garlic prawn pasta which was damn niceee and the prawns are really like the crunchy kind if you know what i mean. not a second overcooked. but it gave me garlic breath after haha! then there was another pasta dish, i forgot what it was called but it was some chicken thing with penne. then there was crepe champignon! the besttttt ok its cheesey crepe with mushrooms inside. but shit i was hoping they will give us muddy mud pie hahaha i remember eating it once before and its heavenly! and wasabi prawn salad is good too i rmb. yeahh they kinda tried to psycho us into believeing its the best coffee company blabla cos its the first coffee chain that opened in singapore, before starbucks n coffee bean. guess where the first outlet opened! and one of the part timers there looks like fiona xie omg!
oh yeah i remember joel tan's 21st bday party surprise on saturday! met benny n shawn to get his present. omg 21st birthdays are gonna make me broke seriously. then benny left and me and shawn reached the condo on time, but realised we were one of the first few to arrive! haha everyone else was late and joel's mum was panicking cos it was supposed to be a surprise party but everyone else surprised her instead by arriving late lol. ok in the end there were his church friends, sas boys and ruggers, sa council friends. gen was there haha. jambu! oh ya ARIF AND VIKNESH the VIBRATOR was there too omg!! viknesh looked like some indian punk gangster la damn funny! complete with baggy jeans and flashy beltbuckle and super gelled and slicked back hair. ARIF was the star of the night la cos everything that came out his mouth sounded damn funny! like when they cut the ice cream cake and served everyone, he went "this one ben n jerry ah?" in his retarded accent. and he keeps wanting to take photo with everyone hahaha! ruggers threw joel into the pool. shared a cab with khairul n malcolm home. alighted at khairul's place and followed him to macs cos he was still damn hungry haha. we talked about how things used to be. and his dislike for local girls hahaha. and how army reduces our social life to zero while the girls move onnnn as they enter uni.
today.. I CUT MY HAIR! at some nice looking hair salon in geylang. the hairdresser knew straightaway i was a swimmer la. i think my hair got too much chemicals in it already. oh ya and i found out randomly that there is a bubble tea shop nearby there called cold rock! LOL and the logo is almost the same as cold rock ice creamery one.
im soo into movies now! finished watching juno this morning. i think its nice, like in the same way as nick & norah's infinite playlist. very indie i like! probably same director? even got same actor some more. haha the juno girl is quite cute :p
gossip girl ep 17! seems like its season finale leh :(
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