just watched vicky cristina barcelona! "maria elena used to say that only unfulfilled love can be romantic". anyhows i think its a pretty nice show. got plus points cos of scarlett johansson haha.
church today and i struggled to stay awake but i managed! so weird cos pastor was just talking about how we as we move towards "open-mindedness". and he was talking bout sexual immorality like incest and stuff. and i was just watching a show which made it seem like having a 3 way relationship is okay! ok thats quite a big spoiler for the show haha.
andddd benny came to visit me at coffee club! haha! he thought i was working at tcc then he went there to look for me but found some hot waitress instead lolll! then he stayed there for 30min just looking at her. hahahaha he say i should work there also la better than coffee club with all the minah only. which reminds me, omg the coffee club keep making fun of me la! hahah err jeremy, the cook thought i was just finish sec sch. and the girls all keep secretly giggling and asking me whether im straight omggggg. yeah especially so the day after benny came to visit me. cos we were actually gonna take mrt home together but i told them i was gonna go out with my friend (benny). "girlfriend?" "no, boyfriend. haha. no i dont mean that i mean GUY friend ok!" what the shit man! and me and benny RAN to the train station and made it just in time. took to tiong bahru and met sebas cos we wanted to l4d. but the lan shop full house! hahaha damn funny inside the lan shop got a notice saying "if you suspect you are addicted to gaming and need help please contact institute of mental health website: imh.gov.sg" or something like that. serious!
and peiyu came yesterday too! hahaha yay! she say the manager is a bung. hahah dammit i should have gone tcc!
missed east coast running with sebas again this week. cos i overslept. arghhh shit! but i went self training today, 10km. okay not very long but ya. and i was cruising at a very comfortable pace. shit i think my legs are hurting from wearing the stupid high heel leather shoes too much.
anyway yay uni recess week we must meet up more! i got my work schedule already and i got no night shifts this week! okay working mon wed thur and fri only!
ok crap i gotta sleep now got driving lesson tmr morn!
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