We're not the same, dear, as we used to be
The seasons have changed and so have we
There was little we could say, and even less we could do
To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you
We bury our love in the wintery grave
A lump in the snow was all that remained
But we stayed by its side as the days turned to weeks
And the ice kept getting thinner with every word that we'd speak
And when spring arrived
We were taken by surprise when the floes under our feet bled into the sea
And nothing was left for you and me
We're not the same, dear
And it seems to me
There's nowhere we can go
With nothing underneath
And it saddens me to say
But we both know, well, it's true
That the ice was getting thinner
Under me and you
The ice was getting thinner
Under me and you
i just had 2 weird dreams in 2 consecutive nights! whats wrong with me.
damn work. i figure i should quit by the 21st of this month. quite fed up of them always calling me to cover duty. what the shit every single one of my off days! seriously. monday i already did 8 hrs extra to cover some idiot. then tues wed they try to call me also but i freakin rejected them. and this morning at 5am i receive another msg "can u work today at 4pm" cheeeewbye! as if they dont have enough staff like that. like that plan roster for what. might as well just call staff when u feel like calling right. frickin like i got no life like that only eat sleep wake up coffee club wth.
anw heh sebas helped me sign up for union camp already. wahh still got chem engin camp. sounds damn shag man. sports camp like damn happening some more. too happening for me probably lol. im really not that excited abt starting sch unlike some PPL (ian) haha. orientation camps are like omg i cant imagine myself doing retarded "introduce yourself sessions" and icebreaker games. walaoeh.
met sebas and peiyu for dinner at ikea 2 days ago too. haha peiyu wants to cook mushroom strangoff or something like that! sebas damn sly ask me order 2 chicken wings then only eat one tail portion. and we shared a princess cake cos it was sweden day ahhaha!
ogay benny is commissioning next saturday! yeay im going! and theres supposed to be a house com gathering today but i duno whether its still on. and theres nic and elena next tue and something else next fri. omg so happening for once!
off to soccer!
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