hehe race results are out and im proud to say that i am ranked 321st hahaha not bad ok cos there are 3827 participants in the men's open category, which means im in the top 10% can u dig that! nenene with a timing of 4:51! ogay its good to know all the trainings paid out. saturday runs with sebas and self trainings and runs to holland and bishan park yesss.
sebas came to my place a few hrs before the race n my dad drove both of us to changi beach. and the frolicks queue was damn frickin long already la hahaha! why would ppl even eat frolicks before a marathon. i dunno i would prolly get stomach cramps. but i kept wanting to go pee pee before the race started. maybe cos drink too much water, cos i was water parading since 2 days ago. or maybe the nervousness and excitement. haha headed to the start line with sebas and the emcee was like give some encouragement to the participants beside u! and me and sebas give the "pretend to shake hand but brush the hand thru the hair" thingy hahahaha damn dumb. and they kept playing mambo music at the starting lineup! hahaha got like madonna's lucky some more! i was damn hyped up at that time la. i thought, "no kick im gonna run all the way". LOL couldnt be more wrong. ran with sebas at a steady pace for more than the 1st half. stopped at almost every water point to grab a gulp and continue running. then when we passed the 21km mark at east coast we were like "wooh!" to each other and i thought i could continue going till the end. but then around 25km there i lost sebas. was running up a overhead bridge and i turned behind and couldnt find him. so yea thats when i continued on alone. and was damn demoralising and no motivation to run alone la. i think like 10 min later i felt damn shag already. probably what people call "hitting the wall". then reached the power gel station and ate a choc flavoured power gel for the first time in my life omgzz it was like damn good la! at first i took a few seconds to figure out how to open the packet lol like some noobshit. and a few water points later they were giving out bananas too. wah damn shiok man. then after that i felt like shitting lol. dammit i had to tahan all the way until i reached home after the run la. if not for this feel like shitting thing i think i could have completed faster.
anyway i walked and run during the last 10km or so. and the route marshals/encouragers whatever got 2 extremes. the good ones were really good enough to get me running again when i was walking. haha got one group of them went like "runners gimme a thumbs up!" then im the only one who gave a big thumbs up LOL. so dumbshit but at least it kept me going! and then got the bo chap marshals also. i saw 2 girls playing chopsticks with each other and not giving a shit bout the runners going past them la. and got one guy lie down on the grass sleeping even worse.
and i got no blister! pro socks man. and only very minor abrasions which went away after 1 day. but my thighs hurt real bad. only felt normal today. haha i even had to resort to using a sit down toilet bowl yesterday instead of my usual squat style HAHAH!
i really feel like quitting work already leh. damn sian always reaching home close to 1am. and my outlet manager also resigning cos of some issues between him and some fat bastard higher up. lots of stories going around also that the staff at coffee club keep changing cos this fat bastard likes to terminate staff for the dumbest reasons.
i think i will swim tmr at geylang haha. toa payoh pool closed for renovations damit. geylang sounds so sleazy lol.
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