Friday, October 13, 2006

if only you could see,

oh well, farewell assembly today. really gonna miss the whole class.. dang. and noooo moreeeee spying hehehheh! hmm i guess its true u really never treasure the things u have till they are gone. like how i should have scooped when i got the chance eh right sebas? hahahah. but well life has to go on. aiya this sounds so sad!! hahahah actually i was damn high today i dunno why. maybe its the food from the buffet just now. or maybe its the latte. ahhah oh and kevin thinks zhao geng (accidental exposing of things supposed to be kept private eg. women diapers) is the same as chao geng. hahahah and vee vee is kinda like kevin she says disgusting as disGOOSting. hahahaha sooo like kevin's booger king!! oh mannnn. ngentot! and sebas thinks shokobutsu is hello in japanese hahahahahh. oh btw we had sakae sushi buffet la. and rong was counting the no of plates till bout 30+, and i bluffed them and said "u know if u reach 50 u will get......" and peiyu says "menopause?" hahahahahahahh joke of the century!! and rong says go army all the army guys got boobs. i think she meant boots la but whatever who knows what shes thinking that wierdu. okok i think ill update more tmr. gotta wake up tmr man. take care! and btw cw is nice nice! the 3 beads actually represent more than 3 ppl lah u know who u are hehe :)

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