Monday, May 08, 2006


yeah i finally got a gd version of the embrace song and 23 by jimmy eat world which keeps blasting in my ears all of a sudden when im least prepared. yay ok physics test is quite screwed and i was quite blind today when rong stole my specs argh couldnt see many things clearly hahaha aiya damn why am i talking without punctuation hahaha this is retarded oh yay gp presentation postponed to wednesday but still doesnt really help much dammit noo im not prepared to lose my face in front of other classes wow still no punctuation amazing haha this is healthy im minister for health your friendly lift upgrader number 2. OHH wow i just put a full stop!! ok enough of this nonsense im going to read chinese model essay now seeya. oh and did i mention i just cooked rice for the very first time in my life today hahaha! and over the weekend i mopped the entire house! wow im becoming professional maid man!! oh man maths s cancelled hahaha although maths lect was exciting today. what am i still doing here?? gogogo study haha this is a damn retarded and crappy entry whats with me. WORLD PISS!

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