Thursday, May 02, 2013

grassland express

Waraos my prev post first paragraph hor. Pls. It's talking bout the hair on my head hor HAHAHA tanks ah. Quite an imagination you.

I really wanna watch Oblivion now. After falling in love with this other song from the soundtrack. After Starwaves.

Especially pianos after 4:44. Would kill to be able to play like dat prease.

Met Beho, Shawn and Pud last night. Nowadays its always just the few of us so sad :( Cant wait for island wars with ruudyeung hehehe. And we are gonna get into top 3 for Ekiden this yr bbbmtl!

PS. Flabbylebby's charity is open for donations. So that he doesn't have to yeat baguette every single meal in Europe.

PPS. Woter is ice.

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